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高二英语单元检测 Unit 3


1.Rice is grown in China, Japan and other _________(亚洲) countries.

2.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _________(舒服).

3._________(风俗) are different from country to country.

4.What's the _________(距离) between London and Paris?

5.The teacher asks the students to write a _________(作文) once every two weeks.

6.It's good m_________ to stand when you accept something from others.

7.—Would you like me to carry it for you?

—No, thanks. I can m_________ it myself.

8.The foreign g_________ were warmly welcomed yesterday.

9.We all feel p_________ that we are Chinese.

10.He n_________ his head when he agreed.

§2 单项填空

1.They were surrounded by the enemy, but they _________ at last from the village.

A.managed escaping B.tried escape

C.managed to escape D.tried escaping

2.Nicotine is mainly _________ in cigarettes.

A.included B.including

C.contained D.containing

3.Can you _________ messages to the people around you by gestures?

A.leave B.send

C.get D.take

4.To get into the habit of smoking means _________ one's own life short.

A.to make B.make

C.making D.made

5.It was so dark, but the little girl didn't seem to _________ it.

A.recognize B.understand

C.realize D.see

6.He _________ me to keep away from tabacco and take enough exercise. And so he did.

A.wished B.advised

C.promised D.persuaded

7.All of us were _________ with the result of the experiment.

A.pleasant B.pleasing

C.pleased D.pleasure

8.I like _________ when she kisses me.

A.that B.this C.it D.her

9.Without speaking a word, we can make ourselves _________, by using our face and our body, of course.

A.to understand B.understand

C.understanding D.understood

10.—Could you spare me some ink?


A.with pleasure B.it's a pleasure

C.that's very nice of you D.thank you

§3 完形填空

The human nose has given to the language of the world many interesting expressions. Of course, this is not 1 . Without the nose, we could not breathe 2  smell. It is the 3 of the face that gives a person special 4 . Cyrano de Beregerac said that a large nose showed 5 man—courageous, manly and wise.

A famous woman poet 6 that she had two noses to 7 a rose! Blaise Pascal said something 8  about Cleopatra's long nose. If it had been 9 ,he said, it would have changed the whole 10 of the world.

Man's nose has 11 an important part in his imagination. Man has referred to the nose in many 12 to express his feelings. Expressions dealing with the nose refer to human 13 : anger, pride, jealousy(嫉妒) and revenge(报复).

In English there are a number of 14 about the nose. For example, to hold up one's nose-expresses a basic human 15 —pride. People can hold up their noses at people, things and places.

The phrase, to be led around by the nose, shows man's weakness, which means a person lets other people 16 him. On the other hand, a person who follows his nose lets his instinct(本能) 17 him.

There're a number of others. 18 , it should be as 19  as the nose on your face that the nose is 20 an organ(器官) for breathing and smelling.

1.A.surprising B.usual C.common D.believable

2.A.and B.or C.but D.yet

3.A.sign B.middle C.part D.centre

4.A.power B.mark C.strength D.character

5.A.a great B.a clever C.an honest D.a gentle

6.A.wanted B.hoped C.wished D.expected

7.A.pick B.smell C.plant D.send

8.A.further B.different C.serious D.interesting

9.A.longer B.shorter C.higher D.wider

10.A.face B.feeling C.life D.situation

11.A.taken B.played C.shared D.showed

12.A.kinds B.ways C.sides D.places

13.A.weakness B.illness C.mistakes D.goodness

14.A.words B.letters C.phrases D.characters

15.A.fact B.interest C.love D.feeling

16.A.support B.fight C.control D.kill

17.A.grasp B.guide C.destroy D.teach

18.A.However B.And C.But D.Then

19.A.surprising B.interesting C.clear D.useful

20.A.only B.no more than C.less than D.more than



Comera is the only place in the world which has a whistle language. We do not know how and why it began because we do not know the complete history of the island. But we can certainly imagine the reasons for the beginning of the whistle language. There are many deep valleys on the island. A person on one side of valley can not easily shout to a person on the other side. But he can whistle and be heard from four miles away, and the record is seven miles. The people who live on the island usually have good teeth, and this helps them to whistle well. They must also have good ears so that they can hear other whistlers.

We can understand why the whistle language continues. It is very useful on the island, and quite easy to learn. When somebody is hurt or ill, the whistle language takes the place of telephone. If the sick person is a long way from the town, boys and men pass the news from one to another. A boy guarding cattle on a hillside whistles to a man fishing from his boat. The last one is able to describe the trouble fully and exactly to the doctor in town. People help each other in the same way when a car breaks or a cow is lost.

The whistle language is hundreds of years old, and probably it will continue to live for hundreds of years more. Radio and TV often kill the special ways of speaking in the different parts of a country. But on Comera you are nobody if you cannot whistle. Perhaps soon after TV arrives on the island, the people there will be whistling the news and other facts and opinions.

1.If a person on Comera island is ill, _________.

A.others will phone the doctor in town

B.whistle language will pass the news to the doctor

C.his family will take him to the doctor

D.people will take him to the hospital

2.From the passage we know radio and TV _________ at that time.

A.killed the special way of speaking

B.whistled all the news and opinions

C.helped Comera people to communicate

D.did not appear on Comera island yet

3.Comera island is special in that _________.

A.it attracts visitors every year

B.no visitors have ever been there

C.people there have special ears to hear whistles

D.people there use the whistle language to communicate with each other

4.The whistle language first started probably because _________.

A.it could be heard over longer distance than speech

B.it sounded beautiful

C.the people on the island had good teeth and ears

D.there was no telephone on the island

5.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A.It is not easy for a person to live on Comera island if he cannot whistle.

B.The whistle language can only be found in Comera.

C.The whistle language has been used for hundreds of years on the island, but will not be used any longer.

D.The record shows that one best whistler can be heard by others seven miles away.


Customs are social habits. They have been handed down through generations(代) among groups, social classes, etc. Customs can be described as ways of doing things. They are particularly(特别) strong in social practices on the occasions(场合) of births, marriages and deaths.

In China, these days, some people in cities are learning from Western customs. For example, some brides dress in the long white dress that is the usual bridal wear in many Western countries.

Every people has special customs for New Year. The Han people have many interesting Spring Festival customs. And now, quite a number of people living in the cities have followed the Western customs of sending New Year greeting cards for January 1st.

One interesting custom in China is that mothers wrap(包) up their babies tightly(紧紧的). This is not the custom in Western countries, where babies are usually dressed in loose garments.

1.It is true that customs _________.

A.have been formed during a short time

B.have been formed little by little

C.have been quickly formed and changed

D.have never been changed

2.In this passage, the word “garment” is _________.

A.a kind of food

B.a bed

C.a sort of clothes

D.a room

3.How do the Chinese young people learn from Western countries at their marriages?

A.The brides(新娘) have on the white clothes.

B.Men wear the white coats.

C.Their parents all have attended their marriages.

D.Their marriages are only held in the men's homes.

4.From this passage we know _________.

A.the people all over China spend New Year in the same way

B.people in the villages and cities send New Year greeting cards to each other

C.each people has his special custom for New Year

D.most of Chinese people take Spring Festival seriously

5.The difference about clothing between Chinese and Western babies is that _________.

A.Chinese babies are usually dressed in new clothes

B.Chinese mothers are used to dressing their babies in colourful clothes

C.Western babies are dressed in bigger clothes while Chinese babies are usually wrapped

D.Western babies have more clothes than Chinese babies


Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier(障碍), communication is completed through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to turn to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot.

Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either meaningfully or not. A wink(眨眼) can be a way of showing that the party is only joking. A nod means agreement, while shaking the head indicates disagreement.

Other forms of nonlinguistic(非语言的) language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide and warn people. While language is the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.

1.Which of the following statements best summarizes this passage?

A.When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.

B.Everybody uses only one form of communication.

C.Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners.

D.Although other forms, except for language, of communication exist, they are of little value.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.There are many forms of communication in use today.

B.Language is the most common form of communication.

C.Tourists are unable to use an oral form of communication.

D.Ideas and thoughts can be expressed by body language.

3.Which form other than oral speech could be most commonly used among blind people?

A.Picture signs. B.Braille.

C.Body language. D.Signal flags.

4.Sign language is said to be very lively and exact and can be used meaningfully except for _________.

A.spelling B.idea

C.whole words D.expressions

5.How many different forms of communication are mentioned here?

A.5 B.7 C.9 D.3


Time talks. It speaks more plainly(明白地) than words. Time communicates in many ways.

Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event. Factory managers in the United States fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or afternoon that takes everyone away from his work.

In the United States, it is not customary(习惯的) to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving(刮脸) or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very urgent(紧急的) and requires immediate attention. It is the same with telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he probably thinks it is a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the all communicates its importance.

The meanings of time differ in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstanding arises(出现) between people from cultures(文化) that treat time differently. In the United States, people tend(趋向于) to think of time as something fixed in nature, something from which one can not escape. As a rule, Americans think of time as a road into the future, along which one progresses. The road has many sections(段), which are to be kept separate…“one thing at a time”. Thus, an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment(约会) with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.

Americans look ahead and are concerned(与……有关系) almost entirely with the future. The American idea of the future is limited, however. It is the foreseeable future and not the future of involving(牵连) many centuries.

Since time has much different meanings in different cultures, communication is often difficult. We will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind.

1.According to the passage, an announcement made during the day in a factory must be very important because _________.

A.it interrupts the work of all employees

B.it is made by the manager

C.it makes everyone lose his job

D.it communicates in many ways

2.In the United States, a phone call made after 11:00 p.m. is considered _________, in the view of the writer.

A.as important as one made in the morning

B.impolite since it disturbs the receiver's sleep

C.to be a threat(恐吓) to the receiver's life

D.even more urgent than one made early in the morning

3.An American may feel angry if _________.

A.he is to deal with many things at one appointed time

B.people from different cultures misunderstand him

C.he cannot escape from something fixed in nature

D.others do not keep things separate

4.The expression “the foreseeable future” could be most suitably replaced by _________.

A.the future that will not be far away

B.the future that one looks forward to

C.the future toward which one makes progress

D.the future which involves centuries

5.The writer concludes that people of different countries will understand each other better if _________.

A.they know how to communicate with each other

B.they are concerned with the future

C.they learn the way time communicates

D.they keep in mind that different cultures treat time differently

§5 短文改错

Sandy is seventeen years old. And she is much busy. She never 1._________

has enough time for that she wants to do. Like many other girls 2._________

about her age, she spends hours on the telephone, talks to her 3._________

friends. She often goes out on the weekends, and she looks after 4._________

children for other families to get some money. But, of course, 5._________

during the school years she herself has a lot homework to do. 6._________

During the football season, Sandy is more busier than usual. She 7._________

and other pretty girls are cheer leaders. They jump up and down 8._________

together, cheering when the team have played well. When the team 9._________

is not playing so well, the girls try their best encourage the players,


The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practise shouting at them together.


§1 单词拼写

1.Asian 2.comfortably 3.Customs 4.distance 5.composition 6.manners

7.manage 8.guests 9.proud 10.nodded

§2 1~5 CCBAC 6~10 CCCDA

§3 1~5 ABCDA 6~10 CBDBA 11~15 BBACD16~20 CBACD

§4 A 1~5 BDDAC B 1~5 BCACCC 1~5 ACBAC D 1~5 AAAAD

§5 短文改错

1.much→very 2.that→what 3.talks→talking 4.去掉the\=5.But→And 6.lot后加of 7.去掉more或把more改为much 8.√ 9.have→has 10.best后加to