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2014-5-11 0:21:40下载本试卷


5A第三单元单词     name_______
sing  唱歌  dance 跳舞   swim  游泳

skate  滑冰   ski  滑雪   

make 制作 puppet 木偶  make a puppet 制作木偶     

model  模型 plane飞机  a model plane飞机模型

make a model plane 制作飞机模型  

play 弹   guitar 吉他  play the guitar  弹吉他 

violin  小提琴      play the violin   拉小提琴

o’clock ……点钟       afternoon 下午

in the afternoon 在下午

lesson 课        have a lesson 上课

have a Music lesson  上音乐课    

have an English lesson 上英语课    

do  做,干 song  歌   sing a song 唱只歌

can 能,会    can’t   不能   start 开始    

learn  学    follow  跟随

follow me 跟我学    together  一起    

ride  骑    ride a bike 骑自行车

listen 听   listen to the song  听这只歌

put  放  put a book on your head 把书放在你的头上

find 找到  him 他(宾格)     find him 找到他

5A Unit Three  Exercise(1)Name_________


弹吉他 ________________拉小提琴______________________
三点钟 ________________上课__________________________
唱支歌 ________________跟我学 _______________________

1.What is your name ?___________________________ .

2 How old are you ?______________________________
3.Are you a student ?______________________________
4.Is there a computer in your home ?________________________

5.Is there a TV in your classroom ?_________________________

6.Are there any maps on the wall ?__________________________

7.Are there any flowers in your classroom?___________________

8.Can you put flowers in your classroom?_____________________

9.Can your English teacher dance?___________________________
10.Can you sing ?________________________________
11. Can you make a doll?____________________________
12.What can you do ?_____________________________
13.What can your mother do ?_____________________________

14.Can your grandfather ride a bike ?_______________________


[ 作者:snall 来源:费尔教育 录入:snall 浏览: 617次 更新:2006-10-14 字体: 字体颜色]

5A Unit Three (2)Name___

1.   There is a piano in the music room.(Yes)


2.   There are some students in the classroom.(Yes)


3.   I am an English teacher.(No)


4.   They are behind the sofa.(No)


5.   Mike is in the bedroom.(Yes)


6.   We are in the large sitting-room.(No)


7.   I can sing and dance.(Yes)


8.   Miss Li can play the violin.(Yes)


9.   Helen can make a puppet.(No)


10. The bots can make a model plane.(Yes)


11. There is a reading room in the building.(No)


12. There are some flowers in the garden.(No)
