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2014-5-11 0:21:40下载本试卷


5A第八单元单词     name________
telescope 望远镜  tin-opener 开罐器    

pot  锅      stove 炉         

blanket毯子     towel毛巾      

hill 小山     near the hill 在小山附近  

trip 旅行      camping 野行   

camping trip 野行旅行

site  营地   camping site 野行营地

children 孩子们(复数) show  出示,展示  

show me 给我看     show us 给我们看

show their things to each other

tin 罐头       fish 鱼 

a tin of fish  一罐鱼
a tin of chicken 一罐头鸡肉
fruit水果        tent帐蓬 
have 有,(我有,你有,我们有,他们有)

has 有,(他有,她有)                 

a box of chocolates   一盒巧克力
bear 熊   elephant 大象   

thin 瘦    fat  胖  


[ 作者:snall 来源:费尔教育 录入:snall 浏览: 560次 更新:2006-10-14 字体: 字体颜色]

Fill in the blank with “ have, has ”
1. I_________ a nice puppet.
2. He_________a good friend.
3. They__________ some masks.
4. We___________some flowers.
5. She___________ a duck.
6. My father____________ a new bike.
7. Her mother___________a vase.
8. Our teacher_________ an English book.
9.      Our teachers___________a basketball.
10.   Their parents___________some blankets
11.   Nancy_________many skirts.
12.   David__________some jackets.
13.   My friends__________a football.
14.   What do you__________?I_______a new toy.
15.   What does Mike__________? He_______a model
16.   What do your friends___________? They_______a TV.
17.   What does Helen___________? She______an apple.
18.   His brother________a basketball.
19.   Her sister_________a nice doll.
20.  Miss Li__________an English book.