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Unit 5 Review and check




Choose the word which contains the given sound you hear选出与所听单词含有相同元音的单词(8%)

(  ) 1 A. Friday    B. home        C. green        D. soon

(  ) 2 A. uncle     B. excuse      C. keep     D. pineapple

(  ) 3 A. grape     B. bad      C. many     D. after

(  ) 4 A. tall       B. cold      C. clock      D. once

(  ) 5 A. great      B. teach     C. breakfast    D. near

(  ) 6 A. parent     B. Tuesday    C. skirt        D. do

(  ) 7 A. stay      B. party     C. key     D. Monday

(  ) 8 A. sorry     B. watch     C. minus      D. very

Listen and judge whether the sentence accords with what you hear, write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示(10%)

(   ) 1. I have five lessons in the afternoon.

(   ) 2. I like English very much.

(   ) 3. Zhang ling likes Chinese and Science.

(   ) 4. I usually do housework on Saturdays.

(   ) 5. Sometimes I make puppets with my friends.

Listen and complete the dialogue 听录音,完成下列对话(12%)

A: Hello!

B: Hello! It’s ______.

A: May I speak to Wang Bing?

B: Yes, ______ Wang Bing speaking. Who’s that?

A: ___­__ Lily. Shall we go climbing this afternoon?

B: ______, I can’t.

A: What’s ______ ______ you?

B: I’m ill. I’ve got a ______.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. How do you ______ now?

B: I still ______ ill.

A: ______ are over. I can ______ some ______ for you.

B: Thank you.

四、Listen and Tick听录音,完成表格打“√” (听两遍)10%


Make clothes


P24 take

















Mr Smith






Mrs Smith



















五、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write S if they are same, write D if they are different判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“S”, 不同的写“D”(10%)

1. stomach  cold    (  )        2. earache     can      (  )

3. toothache     cook   (  )        4. Saturday      Thursday (  )

5. Science      trick    (  )          6. there         thank    (  )

7. window      show   (  )          8. minus        Sunday  (  )

9. supermarket   Art     (  )        10. computer      social    (  )

六、Complete the sentences according to the Chinese根据句意填出所缺单词 (13%)

1. 对不起,你打错电话了。

  Sorry,_________ _________.

2. 她在校学习哪些科目呢?

  _________ ________ does he ________ at school?

3. 请你讲话大声点.

  Please _________ _________.

4. 我喜欢收集汽车邮票.

  I like ________ ________ _________.

5. 她在和同学们玩溜溜球。

  She is________ ________ with her ________.

6. 不要在墙上画画。

  ________ ________ on the ________.

7. 我能不能替Peter要一本抄写本?

  ________ I have a ________ ________ Peter?

8. 李辉喜欢养鱼,也喜欢种花。

 Li Hui________ ________ ________and he ________ ________ ________ , ________.

Multiple choice单项选择(10%)

(   ) 1. My brother ______ volleyball every week.

    A. love         B. likes         C. play         D. plays

(   ) 2. Her parents like taking _______.       

    A. photos       B. photo        C. photos’      D. a photo

(   ) 3. What subject does Tom study _______ school?

    A. at           B. after         C. in           D. on

(  ) 4. She ______ to school from Monday to Friday.

    A. go          B. going        C. is going      D. goes

(   ) 5. There ______ some students and a teacher in the classroom.

    A. have        B. be          C. are          D. is

(  ) 6. -What’s ______ with you, Mum?

     - I have got a cold.

    A. about        B. wrong       C. matter       D. trouble

(   ) 7. How many Art lessons do you have _______ a week?

    A. for          B. this         C. on           D. in

(   ) 8. I can’t ______ my trousers, they are too small.

    A: put on      B: look at       C: listen to      D: turn on

(   ) 9. Jim goes to school ______ Monday ______ Friday by bus.

    A. in……out B. on……under  C. from……to   D. for……to

(   ) 10. Sissi ______ many beautiful flower stamps.

    A. have        B. are          C. is collect     D. has

There’s a mistake in each sentence, find it and then correct it in the blank 找出句中的一处错误并改正(6%)

(  )1. What lesson do you have in the afternoon?       ________

A   B   C     D

(  )2. This is Nancy speak.                       ________

A B C  D

(  )3. I’m sorry for hear that.                    ________

A   B C  D

(  )4. Does he have any hobbys?                  ________

 A   B  C  D

(  )5. I’m makeing a model plane.                  ________

 A   B   C  D 

(  )6. I’d like collecting English stamps.          ________

     A    B    C  D

九、Complete the word in the passage according to the given alphabet and answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整并回答问题(20%)

My name is Yang Li. I’m a student in a primary school here. I h________ four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. I have C________, M________, E________, Art, Science, Social Science, Computer Studies. I like ________. My friend Sissi d________ not like Music. She ________ Art and Computer Studies. M________ students in our school like Art very much. They like ________ pictures. Some students like ________. They usually p________ football and b________ after school. On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually d________ housework. Sometimes I m________ model planes and model cars w________ my classmates.

1. How many lessons does Yang Li have everyday?


2. What does Sissi like?


3. What do the students like to do after school?


4. What does Yang Li usually do on Saturdays and Sundays ?


5. Does she like making model planes ?


6. Whom(谁) does she make model planes and cars with?
