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Class________ Name________
一、 正确写出下列句子 5%
Don’t kick the ball to Jim.

What would you like as a birthday present?
二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%
(  )1.  A. head     B. read    C. sweater     D. breakfast
(  )2.  A. good     B. who    C. broom    D. too
(  )3.  A. teacher     B. please   C. sea      D. really
(  )4.  A. throw    B. brown   C. how     D. down
(  )5.  A. worker     B. corner   C. word    D. world
(  )6.  A. front     B. come    C. got     D. son
(  )7.  A. blow     B. down    C. how    D. flower
(  )8.  A. bird      B. birthday  C. April    D first
(  )9.  A. May     B. day    C. away    D. Monday
(  )10. A. out      B. touch    C. country    D. cousin

三、 中英互译 15%
1.大眼睛的男孩_____________________________ 2.穿白色短裙的女孩_________________________
3.一些年轻的女服务员_______________________ 4.在7:05__________________________________
5.在周末___________________________________ 6.所有的学生______________________________
7.在五月三日_______________________________ 8.从周一到周五____________________________
9.在花园里________________________________ 10.喜欢游泳________________________________
11.a sports hall __________________________12.a map of the world ______________________
13.a camping site _________________________14.History Museum___________________________
15.e-mail address_____________________________

四、 单向选择 10%
(  )1.–Are the rulers ______? –Yes, they’re _______.
A. your; our        B. yours; my      C. yours; mine
(  )2–Hi, Jim! ___________? –Let me see. It’s about four thirty.
A. How old are you?   B. What’s the time?    C. What’s your watch?
(  )3.–________________? –That’s Tom’s ruler.
A. Who’s Tom’s ruler?  B. Whose ruler is it?  C. What ruler is that?
(  )4.Lily is a friend of _______.
A. hers          B. her          C. she
(  )5.________ are all in Class 3.
A. You, he and I      B. I, you and he      C. He, I and you
(  )6.The twins ________ new students _______ our class.
A. are, in         B. is, in          C. are, at
(  )7.The books are on the desk. Can you see________?
A. it            B. they           C. them
(  )8.Those are __________.
A. apple tree       B. apple trees       C. apples trees
(  )9.The _________ coats are over there.
A. twins          B. twin’s         C. twins’
(  )10.Let’s go ______ home.
A. to            B. his           C. /
五、 配对 10%
(  )1. Is this your pen?                  A. He’s a worker.
(  )2. Is there a pen on the desk?            B. Some grapes, please.
(  )3. What’s your father’s job?             C. Some bread and two eggs.
(  )4. Is your father a worker?              D. All right.
(  )5. How many boys are there in your class?    E. Yes, it is.
(  )6. Can I help you?                  F. No, he isn’t.
(  )7. How old are you?                 G. No, there isn’t.
(  )8. What’s for breakfast, Mum?           H. Yes, I can.
(  )9. Can you use a fork?                I. I’m twelve.
(  )10.Shall we go now?                J. Eighteen.

六、完成下列对话 10%
A: It’s a football. Is it ______?
B: No, mine is here.
A: ________ football is it?
B: Maybe it’s _______.
A: Look, he is ______ there.
B: ________ go and ask Mike.
A: Hi. Mike! _______ this your ball?
C: No. But I know it’s Ben’s.
A: OK. Let’s give it ______ him.
B: And then we can ______ football in the ________.
A: Good ______!

七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示 10%
Mr Brown looks out of the window. There is a boy in the street. He is eating a sandwich.
There is a dog in the street, too. The boy says, “Come here, good dog. I am going to give you some sandwiches.” The dog comes up. The boy kicks the dog. The dog runs away.
Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to the boy, “Come here, I’m going to give you some money.” The boy is happy and goes to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown doesn’t give him any money. He kicks the boy.
The boys cries and says, “Why are you kick me? I don’t ask you for money.” “The dog doesn’t ask you for any sandwich.” Mr Brown says, “bur you kick it.”

(  ) 1. The boy is having some bread in the street.
(  ) 2. The boy doesn’t give the dog any sandwich.
(  ) 3. The boy likes the dog.
(  ) 4. Mr Brown wants to give the boy some money.
(  ) 5. Mr Brown is going to give the boy a lesson.

八、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
1.明天你们干什么? 我们去野餐。
_________________________tomorrow? We are ____________________________________.
2. 非洲的气候非常炎热。
_________________in Africa_______________________.
3. 请问,我去邮局怎么走? 你可以乘10路公共汽车。
Excuse me,___________________________________? You can _______________.
4. 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。
__________ many _______________here. They _______________________________________
5. 不要在教室里扔球。把它传给我。
_____________________________ in the classroom. _______ it __________.

九、根据实际情况回答问题 10%
1. When’s your birthday?
2. What did you do last weekend?
3.Are there any public signs in your school?
4.Who is your Maths teacher?
5.How is your mother?

十、用下列词的正确形式填空 10%
1. Look, the boys ___________ (swim) in the river.
2. There ______ (be) some water on the table.
3. He _________ (live ) on the ________ (two) floor.
4. What ___________ you _____________ (do) yesterday?
5. My sister ______________(be) a nurse next month.
6.Mr Green often __________(have) a chat with his children after supper.
7. Look, my bag is as ________ (new) as yours.
8. This is my skirt. ________ (you) is there.

小学毕业模拟卷(2)Class________ Name________一、 正确写出下列句子 5%give the ball to me please  shall we go to the park  二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%(  )1. A. February  B. present   C. every    D. get(  )2小学毕业模拟卷(3)Class________ Name________一、 正确写出下列句子 5%mike and i milked cows on the farm.  don’t kick the ball to me  二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%(  )1.  A. eat      B. tea      C. head     D. Easter(   )2.  A. taste      B. had     C. have    D. bag(  )3.   A. third     B. bird     C. skirt    D. spring(  )4.  A. last      B. plant    C. ask    D. camera(  )5.  A. pear     B. hair     C. here     D. there (   )6.  A. cow      B. down    C. know    D. how(   )7.  A. Wednesday B. day     C. Tuesday  D. Monday(   )8.  A. too       B. room    C. school  D. good(   )9.  A. pull       B. but     C. sun    D. public(  )10. A. make     B. taste    C. take    D. have 三、 中英互译 15%1.在三月份 _________________________ 2.那些大西瓜______________________________ 3.喜欢风筝__________________________ 4.他们的职业______________________________ 5.值日______________________________ 6.下象棋__________________________________7.看报纸 ___________________________ 8.画一个圆圈 _____________________________ 9.发高烧 ___________________________ 10.从中学到许多 __________________________11.sports meeting____________________12.singing contest _______________________ 13.on the farm_______________________14.Sometimes to drink? ___________________15. Mid-Autumn Festival _____________ 四、 单向选择 10%(  )1.It’s half past six in the afternoon. It’s time_________, boys and girls.A. for supper        B. for the supper     C. for class(   )2.–What colour is your evening dress? –It’s _______.A. hers            B. nice          C. black(  )3.–Excuse me, ___________? –It’s over there.A. what’s on the desk    B. where’s your room  C. whose bag is it(  )4.–What are their job? –They’re ____________.A. over there         B. in the office      C. office workers(  )5.–Whose watch is this? –Is it a black _________?A. it              B. one          C. this(  )6.–__________ can you see in the picture? –Tom’s mother.A. Who            B. Which          C. Whose(  )7.Please _______ these babies, Helen.A. look            B. look after        C. look like(  )8.–I’m sorry I can’t play a computer game. –Don’t worry. I’ll _______ you.A. speak to          B. play           C. show(  )9.–What can you see in the bag? –_______. Oh, they are apples.A. All right          B. Thanks          C. Let me see(  )10.It is cold today. You must _________ your coat.A. take off          B. put on          C. pick up 五、 配对 10%(  ) 1. What are you doing?               A. Twelve.(  )2. Are you free now?                 B. Yes, I do.(  )3. How about this afternoon?            C. Yes, I am.(  )4. Do you like pandas?                 D. There’s a ball.(  )5. Can you put the banana on your nose?      E Sorry, I can’t.(   )6. What’s under the desk?              F. I am drawing a horse.(   )7. How many birds are there?            G. He’s my grandpa.(   )8. Where’s the music room?             H. It’s on the second floor.(   )9. What’s Helen doing?                I. She’s singing.(  )10.Who’s that old man?               J. OK. See you. 六、完成下列对话 15%June is _______ the USA. She is ______ Shanghai now. She _______ _______ _______ the shopping centre. But she doesn’t know the _______. She is ask someone about it.________ me, _______ can I ________ to the shopping centre?You can ________ ________ No. 9.Where’s the bus ________?It’s over there. How many ________ are there?Only two.Thank you.Not ________ __________. 七、阅读理解 判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示 10%Wang Bing is a Chinese boy. He’s twelve. He is a student in No.2 Primary School. He has two good friends. Their names are Jill and Bob. The two boys are twins. They are from England. And now they are in No.2 Primary School, too. Jill and Bob are the same age, but Jill is ten minutes younger than Bob. Bob is taller than Jill, but Jill is stronger than Bob. That’s very interesting.They speak English and they can speak a little Chinese.(  ) 1. Wang Bing is in China.(  ) 2. Wang Bing and the twins are in the same school.(  ) 3. Jill is older than Bob.(  ) 4. Bill is as tall as Jill.(  ) 5. The twins can’t speak Chinese. 八、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%1. 你们正在干什么? 我们正在举行野餐。 ________________ you ________? We ____________________________________.2. 你们昨天做了什么? 我们举行了一个聚会。________________________ yesterday? We __________________________..3. 他通常在星期日干什么? 他通常做作业。 ______________usually ____________on Sundays? He usually ____________________.4. 我们明天下午将参加运动会。 We _________________________________________________________ tomorrow.5. 纽约夏天的天气怎么样啊? 很热。_____________________________in New York ____________? It’s __________________. 九、根据实际情况回答问题 10%1. What is your favorite subject? _________________________________________2. Is there a garden in your school? _________________________________________ 3.What are you doing now? _________________________________________4.Who is your best friend? _________________________________________5.Whose English is better, you or your friend? _________________________________________ 十、根据首字母填写下列单词 5%1. The w__________ in black is Miss Li. 2. Mrs White has row daughters, Lily and Lucy. They were born(出生) on the same day. They are t_________.3. The 10th of September is T___________ Day.4. There is a football m_________ every Friday.5. It is ____________ in Wuxi in winter.

小学毕业模拟试题 (一)
(  )1.A. eleven  B. excuse  C. twelve   D.seven 
(  )2.A. excuse   B.plus     C.student   D.use
(  )3.A.think   B.thirteen    C.their     D.thank
(  )4.A.Chinese  B.Japanese  C.please     D.Miss
(  )5.A.Cups    B. bags     C. pens     D.boys 
(  )6.A.buses    B.oranges  C. apples    D.boxes
(  )7.A. English  B. uncle    C.morning   D.thank 
(  )8.A.where  B. who     C. what    D.which
(  )9.A.bird    B. girl      C.her      D. teacher
(  )10.A.Chinese  B. much    C.teacher    D.school
(  )11.  A. head     B. read    C. sweater     D. breakfast
(  )12.  A. good     B. who    C. broom    D. too
(  )13.  A. teacher     B. please   C. sea      D. really
(  )14.  A. throw     B. brown   C. how     D. down
(  )15.  A. worker     B. corner   C. word    D. world
(  )16.  A. front      B. come    C. got      D. son
(  )17.  A. blow     B. down    C. how    D. flower
(  )18.  A. bird      B. birthday  C. April    D first
(  )19.  A. May     B. day    C. away    D. Monday
(  )20. A. out      B. touch    C. country    D. cousin

二.选择填空(20%)   ( )1)May ____ got a Chinese book.    a. is  b. has   c. have   ( )2)This is Mr Li's room. _____ room is clean.     a. He  b. His   c. The  ( )3)____ any bags in the locker.    a. There are b. Is there c. There aren't   ( )4)____ , is this Park School?    a. Pardon   b. Sorry    c. Excuse me  ( )5)I'm in _______ room.    a. he     b. me        c. our  ( )6)A: Where's John?    B:____________.    a. He's over there. b. Which one? c. Oh, she's in the classroom.   ( )7)There is a letter ______ your grandma.     a. in    b. for    c. to  ( )8)How many ____ are there in the classroom?    a. boy  b. girl   c. girls and boys  ( )9)A:_____ is your phone number?        B: My phone number is .    a. Which  b. What   c. Who  ( )10)A:_____ is your brother? B: He's 20 years old.    a. What  b. Who  c. How old  ( ) 11)Is there _______ paper in the desk?        a. some    b. any    c. a   ( )12)Mary has got _______ red apples.        a. some    b. any     c. an(   )13.This is Ben. He is from      . He speaks      .

    A. the USA, American B. American, English  C. the USA, English   ( ) 14. A: Have you got any books?  B:_______________.        a. Yes, I have got. b. No, I haven't. c. Yes, I am.  ( ) 15. Can you do some washing?        a. Yes, please.  b. Sure. c. Thank you.
(  )16.He often helps  with    English.
A.her,her   B.she,her   C.her,she  D.she,she
(  )18.How many    are there in your school?
A.woman teacher  B.women teacher  C.woman teachers  D.women teachers
(  )19.“Are you   ?”“Yes,we are    brothers.”
A.twin,twin   B.twins,twins  C.twins,twin    D.twin,twins
(  )20.David goes to school    every day.
A.by a bike    B.by his bike   C.on his bike   D.on bike
(  )21.Are    in the same class?
A.you,he and I  B.you,I and he  C.he,you and I  D.I,you and he
(  )22.Put your hands    your head and turn    left and right.
     A. on, /         B. on, to         C. with, /
(  )23.“   your brother’s number?” “4”.
A.What’s    B.How many  C.How     D.How old
(  )24.That’s    bus.
A.English    B.his       C.Japanese  D.he
(  )25.“Thank you very much.”“   ”.
A.That’s right.  B.Thank you.  C.Oh,yes,all right  D.That’s all right.
(  )26.   a bird.    name is Polly.
A.Its,Its    B.It’s,Its    C.It’s,It’s   D.Its,It’s
(  )27.I like English. How     you?
    A. are          B. do           C. about
(  )28. Does Su Hai have      hobbies?
   A. some        B. any           C. all
(  )29.The girl usually plays the violin     Sunday morning.
   A. at          B. in           C. on 
(  )30.The boy draws      .
   A. careful        B. carefully       C. be careful
三. 连词成句并翻译成汉语。(40%)
1. father’s going York soon New my to .
2. tomorrow you are do to going what ?
3. white the woman in the taller is than woman in blue
4. thief caught got I my back he the and get purse .
5. sister my girl is in black the .
6. like cloudy weather and is today the rainy.
7. food but favorite ice is chocolate is hers my cream.
8. bus sometimes she by usually to by but goes car school.
9. to we go from to Friday school Monday.
10. duty find I because am she today I is not on here is Susan and ill.

Helen is an Australian _______. She is on _____ in Wuxi now. She is ________ about the weather in Wuxi with Li Lei.
Helen: Hello, Li Lei! What’s the __________ like in spring here?
Li Lei: It’s warm ______ of the time.
Helen: _______ about summer here?
Li Lei: It’s very ______. I usually go ________ in the lake.
Helen: Which ________ in Wuxi do you like best?
Li Lei: I like autumn best.
Helen: The weather here in winter is _______, isn’t it?
Li Lei: Yes, it is. I think it is _______ than Australia.
Helen: ________ it often snow in winter?
Li Lei: No, but sometimes. We need some _______ clothes at that time.
Helen: What _______ you usually do then?
Li Lei: We usually _______ snowmen.
June is _______ the USA. She is ______ Shanghai now. She _______ _______ _______ the shopping centre. But she doesn’t know the _______. She is ask someone about it.
________ me, _______ can I ________ to the shopping centre?
You can ________ ________ No. 9.
Where’s the bus ________?
It’s over there.
How many ________ are there?
Only two.
Thank you.
Not ________ __________.
A: Hey! You don’t look happy. What’s _______ ?
B: I don’t _____ ______ in English.
A: Your English is not bad.
B: But my classmates do _______ than me.
A: Don’t _______. You can do _______ exercise.
B:Yes, I can ______ English every morning.
A: _______ the way, you can ask your English _______ about your questions.
B:That’s _______.
A: I also can _______ you with your English.
B: Really? Thank you.
A: You’re welcome. You’ll ______ better soon.

一、    听力部分(25%)
一、    听录音,选出你所听到的内容。
             A          B           C
( )1.         RCOGS     QSOGC      OCQGS
( )2.         pqgyj      gpqyj        ypqjg
( )3.         Maths      mouse        mouth
( )4.         house      horse        here
( )5.        stay         speak        stand
( )6.        8:20         8:30        8:40
( )7.                       
( )8.        /’pi:pl/       /’pipl/         /’midl/        
( )9.        /lait/        /wait/         /wai/
( )10.       an old dog    an old door    an old worker
( )1.A.plane        B.woman         C.dance
( )2.A.nice         B.school          C.much
( )3.A.ill          B.write           C.these
( )4.A.clock        B.sofa           C.brother
( )5.A.very         B.yellow          C.my
( )6.A.chair        B.our            C.or
( )1.Where is my pencil case?
A.    It’s on the desk B.They’re on the desk. C.It’s on my bookcase.
( )2.Take the ball to    .
A.Mike       B.Gao Shan        C.David
( )3.Do you usually have a birthday party?
  A.Yes ,I do .      B.No,I don’t.      C.Sorry ,I don’t know.
( ).What time do you get u[ in the morning?
  A,It’s at 6:00     B.It’s at6:30      C.It’s at6:15
A:What’s that?Is it a       ?
B:Yes,it’s a photo    my    .
A:Shall I have a    ?
B:     .    you are.
A:This is your father,I     .
B:     .
A:Who’s the man    you?
B:He’s my    brother.
A:Is he a teacher?
B:Yes,he is.
( )1.Mike’s grandfather is Sam.He is an interesting man.
( )2.Dick is Jim’s father.
( )3.Sally is Nancy’s daughter.
( )4.Polly is a bird.
( )5.There are seven people in the whole family.
一、    字母和语音(10%)

( )1.A.clock     B.fox       C.home       D.dog
( )2.A.excuse    B.blue     C.usually      D.use
( )3.A.cake      B.have     C.name       D.day
( )4.A.she      B.speak     C.lesson      D.three
( )5.A.nice      B.give      C.time       D.my
( )6.A.zoo      B.look      C.good       D.cook
1.     From9:00a.m. to2:00p.m.                    
2.    玩电脑游戏                    
3.     miss a turn                    
4.    打乒乓球                    
5.     after school                    
6.    看上去很酷                    
7.     have Chinese lessons                    
8.    举行一个生日聚会                    
9.     chat with friends                    
10.    吃早饭                    
A.    根据首字母或汉语提示及句意完成残次。(5%)
1.His    (裤子)are white.
2.Don’t b   the dog into your classroom
3.H  a cake for you,Alice.
4.We m  do homework this morning.
5.There are s    days in a week.
B.    用所给动词的正确形式填空。5%
1.Thank you for    (tell)me about it.
2.Can you     (write)in English?
3.He often    (listen)to BBCin the morning.
4.When    your mother    (get)up in the morning?
5.When do you go    (fish)with Kate?
1.( )Is there a tree near the river?No,  there’s  in the river.
A.and;one    B.but ;a     C.and;a     D.but;one
2.( )The black bag isn’t   .It’s     .
A.mine;your       B.her;mine       C.his;m       D.mine;his
3.( )There    any time
A.is      B.are      C.isn’t         D.aren’t.
4.What time is it?
A.    It’s half past seven. B.It’s thirty-past seven. C.It’s half to seven. D.It’s seven ten o’clock.
5( ).  you  any CDs?Yes,I    
A.Do;has;do    B.Does;have;does      C.Do;have;do    D.Does;have;does
6.( )下列说法哪个最正确?
A.How many boats in the river?        B.How any boats in the river?
C.How some boats are there in the river?    D.How many boats are there in the river?
7.( )    come in.
A..Don’t please   B.Please not  C.Please aren’t    D.Please don’t.
8.( )What would you like    ?I like orange juice.
A.drink;drinking  B.drink;drink  C.to drink,drinks
9.Have you got    water?
A.some     B.a      C.any       D.three
10.( )It’s time  listen to some music.
A.to      B.for      C.with     D.of
1.    It’s a nice watch.(改为复数句)
        nice    .
2.    What’s the time?(同意句转换)
         is it?
3.I think the film is very interesting.(对画线部分提问)
         you think the film is?
4.We have some oranges.(用my brother做主语)
My brother    some oranges.
5.There are five books in the bag.(改为否定句)
                 books in the bag.
( )1.What’s you name?                      
A   B  C
( )2.Let us to help you with your homework.           
A B  C           D
( )3.I want  have a birthday party.                
A     B C     D
( )4.She often play with her dog,Cody.              
A     B  C  D
( )5.They have  a Computer lesson on every day.          
      A    B        C  D
1.     Whose under bike is the tree(?)

2.colour is Jim;s what sweater(?)

3.    wall there China a on is map the of(.)

4.    here no there is dog(.)

5.    she my is mother(.)

( )1.Can I have a cake ,Mum?         A.Nice to meet you ,too.
( )2.Which class are you in?          B.All right.
( )3.Peter,there’s a letter for you.       C.In the reading room.
( )4.Nice to meet you.             D.Yes,there is.
( )5.Where is Jane?              E.I’m in Class Three.
( )6.Is there a pen in your hand?        F.Thanks a lot.
( )7.How are you?               G.OK,here you are.
( )8.Go and wash your hands .        H.Not too bad.
A.Mum,I’m  1   
Bo you  2  any bread?
A.No,I don’t.Are there  3  cakes in the fridge?
B:Yes,there are.Go and 4 one ,please.But you must wash your hands  5  .
B.    Then have some water.
A:Oh,no.I’m not 6  .
( )1.A.thirsty       B.hungry        C.tired
( )2.A.want        B.got          C.take
( )3.A.some        B.one          C.any
( )4.A.take        B.like           C.want
( )5.A.clean        B.first          C.go
( )6.A.want  B.hot     C.thirsty
This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom.It’s not very big,but it is tidy.There are two beds in the room.There is a desk between the beds.There are some books on the desk.Some are English books.Some are Chinese books.There is a phone on the desk,too.There are two chairs beside the desk.One is for Billy,and the other is for his brother.There is a map of America on the wall.There is a map of the world on the wall,too.Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.
( )1.The bedroom is small,and it’s clean.
( )2.There are two desks in the bedroom.
( )3.There are some Chinese books on the desk.
( )4.There are two maps on the wall.
( ).There isn’t a phone in the bedroom.
( )6.The chairs are for Billy and his brother.
Millie’s birthday party

一、    听力部分(25%)
一、    听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,并将编号填入括号内。(5%)
(  )1.A.HJK   B.GHJ    C.JGH   D.JKG
(  )2.A.IEG   B.ERG    C.IRG   D.RJI
(  )3.a.GEC   B.jbe     C.gce   D.jdc
(  )4.A.book   B.look    C.good   D.foot
(  )5.A.bike   B.right    C.eight   D.like
(  )6.A.four   B.floor    C.door    D.don’t
(  )7.A.you    B.your    C.know   D.now
(  )8.A.That   B.That’s   C.I     D.have
(  )9.A.window  B.yellow  C.photo   D.no
(  )10.A.here   B.near    C.there   D.chair
1.colour      car      cat      cap      bike
 ( )       ( )     ( )      ( )     ( )
2.kite       Mike     right     fine      nine
 ( )       ( )     ( )      ( )     ( )
3.now      note      no      coat      ten
 ( )       ( )     ( )      ( )     ( )
4.breah      brown    friend     fruit     film
 ( )       ( )     ( )      ( )     ( )
5.and       help     thank     head     who
 ( )       ( )     ( )      ( )     ( )
( )1.A.No,I don’t know. B.Sorry.I don’t know.C.Excuse me,I don’t know. D.Yes,I don’t.
( )2.A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn’t. C.Yes,there is. D.Yes,there’s.
( )3.A.I’m Mr Black. B.He is Mr Black. C.It’s Mr Black. D.You’re Mr Black.
( )4.A.It’s there ball. B.It’s their ball. C.It’s they’re ball. D.It’s they ball.
( )5.A.It’s black bike. B.It’s black. C.Is black. D.It’s a bike.
Look,it’s a  of my family.On my   ,there is a boy,he is my brother,Bob.He is a  .My sister,Kate is on my right.My    are us.My father is on my    left.They are  .There is a garden near my    .There are many    in it.
( )1.We are study at No.2 Secondary School.
( )2.There are fifty students in our school.
( )3.Our classroom is small.
( )4.In our class,there are six windows and two doors.
( )5.There are two pictures on the blackboard.
( )6.Our desks and chairs are old.

一、    写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(6%)
    Hh              Ll             Xx       
    Ss               Uu            Jj       
( )1.A.he   B.she    C.we    D.teacher
( )2.A.colour B.red    C.purple  D.orange
( )3.A.book  B.ruler   C.blue     D.pencil
( )4.A.climb B.swim   C.pick     D.bird
( )5.A.library B.office  C.hall     D.floor
( )1.A.under     B.Mum      C.student    D.up
( )2.A.bag      B.cap       C.name     D.have
( )3.A.yes      B.many      C.he       D.pen
( )4.A.thank     B.this       C.there     D.they
( )5.A.family    B.sister      C.library    D.office
1.happy(反义词)            2.library(复数形式)       
3.don’t(完全形式)         4.close(对应词)          
5.wrong (反义词)         6.boy(对应词)          
7.he(形容词性物主代词)     8.classes(单数形式)          
9.one (序数词)          10.my(主格)            
1.    足球场            
2.    a photo of my family        
3.    在……前面             
4.on the left of         
6.pink sweater        
8.eight new chairs        
10. my twin brother        
A:Hi,Li Lei,What’s that?
B:It’s a picture   my room.
A:  in the room?
B:    a desk,a chair and a cat in it.
A:Where’s the desk?
B:It’s   the door.
A:What’s    on the desk?
B:There’s a bag on it.
A:Where’s the chair?
B:   near the window.
1.     whose under bike is that the tree(?)
2.    colour is Jim’s what sweater(?)
3.     wall there china a on is map the of(.)
4.     here no there is dog(.)
5.     she my is mother(.)
1.    What colours is it?It is brown.
2.    She is in my left.
3.    What does she has in the locker?
4.    He is tall.He is America.
5.    Mrs Green likes walk down the street and enjoy the sunshine.
( )1.What colour is that kite?      
A.    It’s red and white kite.
B.    It’s red.
C.    It’s a red.
D.    That’s red and white.
( )2.There is   “f”in the word fine.
  A.a   B .the    C.an D.\
( )3.How many   are there near the tree?
  A.boies B.boys  C.boy  D.boyies
( )4.Is there a car    the house?
  A.near  B.on  C.in  D.under
( )5.You are Peter ,right?    
  A.Yes,I’m Nick. B.No,I am Nick.  C.I am Peter.  D.Yes,I’m not.
1.    Who are you?(改为同义句)
2.      There are some English boys in my school.(改为单数句)
3.    My house is near the school.(对画线部分提问)
4.     Climb the tree.(改为否定句)
5.    My mother is y mother is fine.(对画线部分提问)
Mike and Liu Hai are good friends.They are inNo.8 Middle School.Mike is an English boy.He is in Class Three,Grade One.He is Number Two in Row Four.His Chinese teacher is Mr Wand.Liu Hai is a Chinese boy.He is twelve.He is in Class Two,Grade One.He is Number 5 in Row 2.His English teacher is Mrs Read.
( )1.Mike and Liu Hai are boys.
( )2.Liu Hai is an English boy.
( )3.Mike is in Class Two,Grade One.
( )4.Liu Hai is Number Five in Row Two.
( )5.Mrs Read is a Chinese teacher.

Class________ Name________
一、 正确写出下列句子 5%
Don’t kick the ball to Jim.

What would you like as a birthday present?

二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%
(  )1.  A. head     B. read    C. sweater     D. breakfast
(  )2.  A. good     B. who    C. broom    D. too
(  )3.  A. teacher    B. please   C. sea      D. really
(  )4.  A. throw    B. brown   C. how     D. down
(  )5.  A. worker     B. corner   C. word    D. world
(  )6.  A. front     B. come    C. got     D. son
(  )7.  A. blow     B. down    C. how    D. flower
(  )8.  A. bird      B. birthday  C. April    D first
(  )9.  A. May     B. day    C. away    D. Monday
(  )10. A. out      B. touch    C. country    D. cousin

三、 中英互译 15%
1.大眼睛的男孩_____________________________ 2.穿白色短裙的女孩_________________________
3.一些年轻的女服务员_______________________ 4.在7:05__________________________________
5.在周末___________________________________ 6.所有的学生______________________________
7.在五月三日_______________________________ 8.从周一到周五____________________________
9.在花园里________________________________ 10.喜欢游泳________________________________
11.a sports hall __________________________12.a map of the world ______________________
13.a camping site _________________________14.History Museum___________________________
15.e-mail address_____________________________

四、 单向选择 10%
(  )1.–Are the rulers ______? –Yes, they’re _______.
A. your; our        B. yours; my      C. yours; mine
(  )2–Hi, Jim! ___________? –Let me see. It’s about four thirty.
A. How old are you?   B. What’s the time?    C. What’s your watch?
(  )3.–________________? –That’s Tom’s ruler.
A. Who’s Tom’s ruler?  B. Whose ruler is it?  C. What ruler is that?
(  )4.Lily is a friend of _______.
A. hers          B. her          C. she
(  )5.________ are all in Class 3.
A. You, he and I      B. I, you and he      C. He, I and you
(  )6.The twins ________ new students _______ our class.
A. are, in         B. is, in          C. are, at
(  )7.The books are on the desk. Can you see________?
A. it            B. they           C. them
(  )8.Those are __________.
A. apple tree       B. apple trees       C. apples trees
(  )9.The _________ coats are over there.
A. twins          B. twin’s         C. twins’
(  )10.Let’s go ______ home.
A. to            B. his           C. /
五、 配对 10%
(  )1. Is this your pen?                  A. He’s a worker.
(  )2. Is there a pen on the desk?            B. Some grapes, please.
(  )3. What’s your father’s job?             C. Some bread and two eggs.
(  )4. Is your father a worker?              D. All right.
(  )5. How many boys are there in your class?    E. Yes, it is.
(  )6. Can I help you?                  F. No, he isn’t.
(  )7. How old are you?                 G. No, there isn’t.
(  )8. What’s for breakfast, Mum?           H. Yes, I can.
(  )9. Can you use a fork?                I. I’m twelve.
(  )10.Shall we go now?                J. Eighteen.

六、完成下列对话 10%
A: It’s a football. Is it ______?
B: No, mine is here.
A: ________ football is it?
B: Maybe it’s _______.
A: Look, he is ______ there.
B: ________ go and ask Mike.
A: Hi. Mike! _______ this your ball?
C: No. But I know it’s Ben’s.
A: OK. Let’s give it ______ him.
B: And then we can ______ football in the ________.
A: Good ______!

七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示 10%
Mr Brown looks out of the window. There is a boy in the street. He is eating a sandwich.
There is a dog in the street, too. The boy says, “Come here, good dog. I am going to give you some sandwiches.” The dog comes up. The boy kicks the dog. The dog runs away.
Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to the boy, “Come here, I’m going to give you some money.” The boy is happy and goes to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown doesn’t give him any money. He kicks the boy.
The boys cries and says, “Why are you kick me? I don’t ask you for money.” “The dog doesn’t ask you for any sandwich.” Mr Brown says, “bur you kick it.”

(  ) 1. The boy is having some bread in the street.
(  ) 2. The boy doesn’t give the dog any sandwich.
(  ) 3. The boy likes the dog.
(  ) 4. Mr Brown wants to give the boy some money.
(  ) 5. Mr Brown is going to give the boy a lesson.

八、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
1.明天你们干什么? 我们去野餐。
_________________________tomorrow? We are ____________________________________.
2. 非洲的气候非常炎热。
_________________in Africa_______________________.
3. 请问,我去邮局怎么走? 你可以乘10路公共汽车。
Excuse me,___________________________________? You can _______________.
4. 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。
__________ many _______________here. They _______________________________________
5. 不要在教室里扔球。把它传给我。
_____________________________ in the classroom. _______ it __________.

九、根据实际情况回答问题 10%
1. When’s your birthday?
2. What did you do last weekend?
3.Are there any public signs in your school?
4.Who is your Maths teacher?
5.How is your mother?

十、用下列词的正确形式填空 10%
1. Look, the boys ___________ (swim) in the river.
2. There ______ (be) some water on the table.
3. He _________ (live ) on the ________ (two) floor.
4. What ___________ you _____________ (do) yesterday?
5. My sister ______________(be) a nurse next month.
6.Mr Green often __________(have) a chat with his children after supper.
7. Look, my bag is as ________ (new) as yours.
8. This is my skirt. ________ (you) is there.

小学毕业模拟卷(2)Class________ Name________一、 正确写出下列句子 5%give the ball to me please  shall we go to the park  二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%(   )1. A. February  B. present   C. every    D. get(   )2.  A. January    B. country   C. July      D. family(  )3.   A. August    B. but     C. uncle    D. bus(   )4.  A. dear     B. near     C. ear      D. early(  )5.   A. man     B. camp    C. make    D. bad(  )6.   A. eat      B. ready     C. read    D. tea(   )7.  A. fine     B. white    C. write     D. listen(  )8.   A. cousin    B. house     C. about    D. ground(  )9.   A. room    B. food     C. too     D. cook(   )10. A. these    B. he      C. we     D. vest 三、 中英互译 15%1.一只文具盒______________________________ 2.在9:45___________________________________3.一听鸡肉 _______________________________ 4.在周四上午_______________________________5.在冰箱旁________________________________ 6.洗衣服___________________________________7. 听我说 ________________________________ 8.刚才_____________________________________9.实在忙___________________________________10.问答 ____________________________________11. a pair of chopsticks ________________ 12.a brave cricket _________________________13. from different countries_____________ 14. eleven minus ten _______________________15. Mid-Autumn Festival ___________________ 四、 单向选择 10%(   )1.–_________ is your shirt? –It’s black and white.A. What colour      B. Where         C. What(   )2.There’s ______ apple tree in my garden. Under ______ tree, there is _______ young man.A. a, the, a         B. an, the, the      C. an, the, a (  )3.–What’s that behind the door? –__________.A. It’s big          B. It’s a broom     C. It’s here(  )4.He ________ many good friends in London.A. there are        B. have          C. has(  )5.Can you show me the way to _______ ?A. home          B. Here          C. the post office(   )6.–Which apple is for me, this one ____ that one? –The red one.A. and           B. or            C. but(   )7.–_______ is the young man? –He is Kate’s brother.A. What          B. Who          C. Which(  )8.This is Mary’s skirt. Please ________.A. show her the skirt    B. give it to her      C. put on it(   )9.–What is the time? –__________.A. It’s half to seven    B. It’s at seven thirty    C. It’s half past seven(  )10.There ______ two boxes and a ball under the bed.A. is            B. are            C. be 五、 配对 10%(  ) 1. How old is your father?             A. I like a tiger mask.(  )2. What colour is that car?             B. Good idea.(  )3. How many birds can you see in the picture?   C. It’s blue.(  )4. Can you ski?                  D. She is a waitress.(  )5. What do you like?                E. He is thirty-three.(  )6. Are there any see-saws in the garden?      F. I can see seven.(  )7. Show we go there by bike?           G. No, there aren’t.
(  )8. What are those over there?           H. They are eighty yuan.(   )9. What’s the woman’s job?            I. They’re horses.(   )10. How much are the masks?           J. No, I can’t. 六、完成下列对话 15%Helen is an Australian _______. She is on _____ in Wuxi now. She is ________ about the weather in Wuxi with Li Lei.Helen: Hello, Li Lei! What’s the __________ like in spring here?Li Lei: It’s warm ______ of the time.Helen: _______ about summer here? Li Lei: It’s very ______. I usually go ________ in the lake.Helen: Which ________ in Wuxi do you like best?Li Lei: I like autumn best.Helen: The weather here in winter is _______, isn’t it?Li Lei: Yes, it is. I think it is _______ than Australia.Helen: ________ it often snow in winter?Li Lei: No, but sometimes. We need some _______ clothes at that time.Helen: What _______ you usually do then?Li Lei: We usually _______ snowmen. 七、阅读理解10%Today is Sunday. The students of Grade One go to school early, but they have no classes. Their teachers are going to take them to the zoo. They take buses there. They get there at half past nine.How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake. It’s spring now, and the flowers are coming out. There are many people there, too. They like to watch monkeys. They are having a good time there. They leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.(   ) 1. The students get to the zoo __________.      A. in the morning            B. in the afternoon      C. in the evening             D. at noon(   ) 2. The students have lunch ___________.      A. at home                B. in the zoo       C. on the bus              D. at school(  ) 3. They have no classes because __________       A. they want to see flowers        B. it’s Sunday today       C. their teachers take them to the zoo.   D. they want to see monkeys(  ) 4. They stay in the zoo for ________ hours.      A. nine and a half             B. three      C. five                  D. five and a half(  ) 5. Which is right?      A. The students go to the zoo in January.      B. They go to the zoo with their parents.      C. They play with monkeys in the zoo.      D. They go to the zoo by bus. 八、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%1. 这个标志是什么意思?它的意思是我们应该保持安静。 ________________ this sign________? It ____________________________________.2. 教师节是什么时候?它在每年的九月十日When is the __________________? It is __________________ every year.3. 你想要什么作为生日礼物? 我想要一个大蛋糕。 ______________ you ______________________? _______________ a big cake..4. 他们的手表在哪里? 它们刚才在电脑旁边。 _________________ their ________? They __________near the computer __________________ 5. 你最喜爱的季节是哪个? 我最喜欢秋季。 ________________ do you like________ ? I like ________________________. 九、根据实际情况回答问题 10%1. What is your mother? _________________________________________2. What are you going to do this evening? _________________________________________3.How many students are there in your class? _________________________________________4.Who is taller, you or your father? _________________________________________5.Are you good at English? _________________________________________ 十、根据首字母填写下列单词 5%1. There are s________ days in a week. 2. E________ me, is this your pencil?3. They play football in the football f_________.4. My father works in the hospital. He is a d_________. 5. S________ is the first day of the week.  
小学毕业模拟卷(3)Class________ Name________一、 正确写出下列句子 5%mike and i milked cows on the farm.  don’t kick the ball to me  二、 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%(  )1.  A. eat       B. tea      C. head    D. Easter(  )2.  A. taste      B. had     C. have    D. bag(  )3.  A. third     B. bird     C. skirt     D. spring(   )4.  A. last       B. plant    C. ask    D. camera(  )5.  A. pear     B. hair     C. here     D. there (   )6.  A. cow      B. down    C. know   D. how(  )7.  A. Wednesday B. day      C. Tuesday  D. Monday(  )8.  A. too       B. room    C. school  D. good(   )9.  A. pull       B. but     C. sun    D. public(  )10. A. make      B. taste    C. take    D. have 三、 中英互译 15%1.在三月份 _________________________ 2.那些大西瓜______________________________ 3.喜欢风筝__________________________ 4.他们的职业______________________________ 5.值日______________________________ 6.下象棋__________________________________7.看报纸 ___________________________ 8.画一个圆圈 _____________________________ 9.发高烧 ___________________________ 10.从中学到许多 __________________________11.sports meeting____________________12.singing contest _______________________ 13.on the farm_______________________14.Sometimes to drink? ___________________15. Mid-Autumn Festival _____________ 四、 单向选择 10%(  )1.It’s half past six in the afternoon. It’s time_________, boys and girls.A. for supper         B. for the supper      C. for class(  )2.–What colour is your evening dress? –It’s _______.A. hers            B. nice          C. black(   )3.–Excuse me, ___________? –It’s over there.A. what’s on the desk    B. where’s your room  C. whose bag is it(  )4.–What are their job? –They’re ____________.A. over there         B. in the office      C. office workers(  )5.–Whose watch is this? –Is it a black _________?A. it              B. one          C. this(  )6.–__________ can you see in the picture? –Tom’s mother.A. Who            B. Which         C. Whose(  )7.Please _______ these babies, Helen.A. look            B. look after        C. look like(  )8.–I’m sorry I can’t play a computer game. –Don’t worry. I’ll _______ you.A. speak to          B. play           C. show(  )9.–What can you see in the bag? –_______. Oh, they are apples.A. All right          B. Thanks          C. Let me see(   )10.It is cold today. You must _________ your coat.A. take off          B. put on          C. pick up 五、 配对 10%(  ) 1. What are you doing?                A. Twelve.(  )2. Are you free now?                 B. Yes, I do.(  )3. How about this afternoon?            C. Yes, I am.(  )4. Do you like pandas?                D. There’s a ball.(  )5. Can you put the banana on your nose?      E Sorry, I can’t.(   )6. What’s under the desk?              F. I am drawing a horse.(   )7. How many birds are there?            G. He’s my grandpa.(   )8. Where’s the music room?             H. It’s on the second floor.(  )9. What’s Helen doing?                I. She’s singing.(  )10.Who’s that old man?                J. OK. See you. 六、完成下列对话 15%June is _______ the USA. She is ______ Shanghai now. She _______ _______ _______ the shopping centre. But she doesn’t know the _______. She is ask someone about it.________ me, _______ can I ________ to the shopping centre?You can ________ ________ No. 9.Where’s the bus ________?It’s over there. How many ________ are there?Only two.Thank you.Not ________ __________. 七、阅读理解 判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示 10%Wang Bing is a Chinese boy. He’s twelve. He is a student in No.2 Primary School. He has two good friends. Their names are Jill and Bob. The two boys are twins. They are from England. And now they are in No.2 Primary School, too. Jill and Bob are the same age, but Jill is ten minutes younger than Bob. Bob is taller than Jill, but Jill is stronger than Bob. That’s very interesting.They speak English and they can speak a little Chinese.(  ) 1. Wang Bing is in China.(  ) 2. Wang Bing and the twins are in the same school.(  ) 3. Jill is older than Bob.(  ) 4. Bill is as tall as Jill.(  ) 5. The twins can’t speak Chinese. 八、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%1. 你们正在干什么? 我们正在举行野餐。 ________________ you ________? We ____________________________________.2. 你们昨天做了什么? 我们举行了一个聚会。________________________ yesterday? We __________________________..3. 他通常在星期日干什么? 他通常做作业。 ______________usually ____________on Sundays? He usually ____________________.4. 我们明天下午将参加运动会。 We _________________________________________________________ tomorrow.5. 纽约夏天的天气怎么样啊? 很热。_____________________________in New York ____________? It’s __________________. 九、根据实际情况回答问题 10%1. What is your favorite subject? _________________________________________2. Is there a garden in your school? _________________________________________ 3.What are you doing now? _________________________________________4.Who is your best friend? _________________________________________5.Whose English is better, you or your friend? _________________________________________ 十、根据首字母填写下列单词 5%1. The w__________ in black is Miss Li. 2. Mrs White has row daughters, Lily and Lucy. They were born(出生) on the same day. They are t_________.3. The 10th of September is T___________ Day.4. There is a football m_________ every Friday.5. It is ____________ in Wuxi in winter.  


Part II.笔头试题

( )1.Look at ____sun!I really think it's a fine day for____walk.
    A.a,a  B.the,a    C.a,the   D.the,the
( )2.It's time____luch.Let's go.OK?
    A.have  B.to have a   C.for  D.for a
( )3."___are the potatoes?""Two yuan a kilo."
   A.How much B.How many C.What's the price of D.How many kilos
( )4.Tom gets to school at 7:10,and Mike gets to school at 7:15.So Tom gets to school a little______.
   A.early  B.earlier   C.late  D.later
( )5.Study hard,and you___pass this mid-term English examination.
  A.don't  B.can't  C.will   D.won't
( )6.Look!The old sick lady is walking____the small old house____a crutch(拐杖)in her right hand.
   A.into,for B.in,for C.out,with D.out of,with
( )7.Look!There is a woman_____a radio____in Japan in the shop.
   A.tries,makes B.trying,making C.trying,made D.tried,making
( )8.____weekends people have a good rest,and____weekdays they go to work.
   A.In,on B.At,at C.In,in D.At,on
( )9."Thanks a lot for helpig me find what I want.""_____"
  A.That's right B.You're right c.that's all right D.That's great
( )10.It____takes him____to teach me.
  A.sometime,sometimes      B.sometimes,some time
  C.some time,sometimes     D.some times,some times
( )11.You speak very good English.""_____"
  A.No,my English is Chinglish.  B.You're right,but don't say so.
  C.Thank you very much.       D.Yes,you're right.
( )12.The cat___Dolly,"What are you_____?"
  A.tells,seeing    B.speaks,looking
  C.talks with,look at  D.says to,looking at
( )13.____his father,he ____reading.
  A.Likes,likes  B.Like,like   C.Like,likes  D.Likes,like
( )14.Why___play games with us ,Ouyang?
  A.don't B.not C.doesn't D.not to
( )15.I'm sorry I don't know how many hours____on Saturdays.
  A.is the shop opening    B.the shop is opening
  C.is the shop open      D. the shop is open

V.动词 用所给动词的正确形式填空.
1.Does he want_____(fly)the machine like a plane?
2.It's Val's turn_____(sing)a song.
3.Would you like_________(watch)TV now?
4._______(fly)kites in spring is very interesting.
5.The air here today is niceand clean.What about_____(have)a walk outside?
6.I really don't know what you ______(begin)to do now?
7.__________(not close)the door.We're airing the room.
8.After he gets up,he washes his face,has his breakfast and then_____(go)to school on his bike.
9.Why_______he often_____(not come)to school early?
10.Not all of us like_____(be)late.

1.London is about 11hours by plane from Beijing.(提问)
  ____ ____is London from Beijing?
2.His new school is about ten minutes on foot from his home.(同义)
 His new school is about ten _____ _____from his home.
3.It is near here.(同义)  It is not_____ _____here.
4.Jack goes to Toronto by air every year.(同义)
 Jack____ ____Toronto every year.
5.There's something wrong with my car.(同义)
 My car_____ _____.
6.John has to give his grandma medicine at the right time.(否定)
 John_____ _____to give his grandma medicine at the right time.
7.Mrs.Smith wants to buy 2 kilos of beef.(提问)
 _________beff does Mrs.Smith want to buy?
8.They often help us to find what we want to buy.(提问)
____ _____they often help us to find?
9.He cannot do any other things but call you.(同义)
He can do _____ _____but give you _____ _____.

1.It's 3 kilometers far from here._____
2.The boy likes flies kites a lot._____
3.Our teacher wants to know who does the cooking and wash the dishes in my home.______
4.Do you think Price-Low is a nice place buy things?_____
5."Could I have any onions?""Sorry,we don't have any here."______
6.We don't go to the bed early on Sunday night._____
7."Where are you going to?""To my office."_______
8.One of the dog is very big.All the others are very small._____
9.Our foreign teacher can speak a little Chinese,but not many.______
10.The twins are new here.They are from American.______

 The farmers work hard____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____in a fine day.
 It takes too much time _____ _____ _____ _____.
____ ____ _____ ____ ____is not easy work.
What time does Sun Yang often____ _____ _____ _____.
 Please tell me how you usually go home_____ _____ _____.
 After school____ ____,we often ____ _____.

  What do you do at the weekend? Some 1 like to stay at home,but 2 like to go for a walk or to play football. My friend Jack works 3 a factory during the week.At the weekend he 4 the same thing.On Saturday he 5 his car and on Sunday he goes with his fasmily to a village 6 the countryside.His aunt and uncle have a farm there.It isn't 7 but always there's so omuch to do 8 the farm.The children help with the animals and give 9 food.Jack and his wife help in the fields.At the end of the day,they 10 hungry and Jack's aunt gives them a big meal.
( )1.A.people B.peoples C.ones D.one
( )2.A.other B.the others C.others D.the other
( )3.A.hard on B.hardly in C.hard in D.hardly at
( )4.A.does always B.make always C.always makes D.always does
( )5.A.washes B.make always C.always makes D.always does
( )6.A.on B.in C.at D.into
( )7.A.a big B.one big C.a big one D.big one
( )8.A.at B.on C.in D.into
( )9.A.them their B.they its C.its there D.its his
( )10.A.are all B.all are C.have all D.all have

  Tom is a little boy.He is fourteen.Today his mother is taking him to see his uncle.His uncle's home is very far from theirs.So they are going there by bus.There are only twenty people on the bus.They are all sitting in the seats.Tom is very happy.He's running on the bus.His mother is saying,"Don't run!Sit down,please."I like to see my uncle very much.I want this bus to go faster(更快),"Tom is saying.
( )1.Tom is going to see his uncle with his_____.
   A.mother B.father C.father's brother D.father's sister
( )2.They are going to see his uncle______.
   A.by bike B.by bus C.on the bike D.by boat
( )3.Which of the four sentences is right?
   A.There are many people on the bus.
   B.There's no seat for Tom.
   C.There are not many people on the bus.
   D.Some of the people on the bus are sitting,the others are standing.
(    )4.Which of the four sentences is NOT right?
  A.Tom wants to see his uncle very much.
  B.Many people are going to Tom's uncle's by bus.
  C.Tom is very happy
  D.Tom's mother doesn't let him run on the bus.
( )5.Tom is running on the bus because______.
  A.Tom is a boy  B.Tom is a girl
  C.Tom is a bad boy  D.Tom wants the bus to go faster.
  Children in the USA like K day very much.K is for kites.March 7th is the day.
On that day lots of children go out in the open air.They take their kites with them.Some kites are very big.Others are very small.They are in different colors.Every kite has a long string(细绳).
  To get the kites high up,the children begin to run.They let out the string from the ball in their hands.Now the kites are flying in the air.How nice they look!
  Now all of the kites are high up in the air.Some are higher than(比...)others.The one like a bird is the highest.But what's wrong?It's flying away!The string is broken.
  Another kite gets away.And more kites fly.But the children are running after them.They want to get them back.People are watching them and laughing.
( )1.On______lots of children go out in the open air.
   A.May 1  B.June 1  C.March 7  D.April 7
( )2.Kites are in ____colors.
    A.same B.different C.white D.black
( )3.How do the children get the kites up?
   A.Throw them away.
   B.Throw them up.
   C.They run with the string in their hands.
   D.They run away.
( )4.Why do some kites fly away?
   A.Because they fly too high.
   B.Because they can't fly.
   C.Because the string is broken.
   D.Because they run very fast.
( )5.The one like a bird is ______.
   A.very big of all
   B.small of all
   C.not very high
   D. higher than others


一. 按要求写词:

1.clean (反义词)_____        2.have (第三人称单数)_____

3.meet (同音词)_____        4.woman (复数) ______

5.aren`t (同音词)_____        6.babies (单词)_______

7.no (同音词)_______        8.number(缩略形式)______

9.watch (复数)______        9.old (反义词)________

11.they(名词性物主代词)______   12.tooth(复数)_______
二. 英汉互译

1.    树上的一些鸟__________

2.    一张王英家的旧照片________

3.    我们语文老师的办公室_______

4.    look the same________

5.    a quarter past ten__________

6.    a white skirt__________

7.    儿童节___________

8.    值日_________

9.    Merry Christmas! _________

10.  a new stamp__________

11.  双胞胎的父母亲________

12.  墙上的地图___________

13.  她所有的朋友_________

14.  a quarter to twelve________

15.  next to our bedroom________

16.  Don`t worry! ________

17.  My E-mail address_________

18.  kick the ball_________

19.  打扰了________

20.  准备好_________

21.  见到你很高兴___________
三. 用所给词适当形式填空

1.    Kate`s brother ________(have) a nice computer.

2.    ---Where_________(be)your clothes? ---on the bed.

3.    Look at the map of_______(Chinese)on the wall.

4.    The_____(child)are very happy. It`s their holiday

5.    His____(parent)are office workers.

6.    On Christmas Day,Tom`s family_____(be)in his grandpa`s house.

7.    Mr Smith______(come)from Australia. He is_____(live)in China now.

8.    What subject______(do)he study at school?

9.    Look! Nancy is______(sit)beside a big tent.

10.  I can_____(make)snowmen and ______(have) snowball fights with friends.

11.  Where are the films? They____(be)in my pocket just now.

12.  He likes____(skate)in winter.

13.  There ____(be)a pair of glasses on the desk.

14.  Mr Green and Mrs Green ___(be) in the same school. Mr Green____(teach) English,but his wife_____(not do).

15.  Li Ming ____(be) a student. He___(study)in our school.

16.  Mrs Smith and her daughter, Ann,_______(stand)under a big tree now.

17.  The_____(America)boy is new here. We should be _____(friend) to _____(he).

18.  There are 45 students in our class, Mark is the _____(tall) of us.

19.  Look at the girl in red. I think she is ___(thin) than me.

20.  What would you like______(eat)? ----Some bread.

21.  ________(be) it there a moment ago? ---Yes, but it ___(be) not there now.

22.  ____(do) Nancy usually get up a six? ----Yes, she ___(do)

23.  Look, the birds ______(sing) in the tree.

24.  That`s not ____(I) letter. Where is it? ----Look,____(you) is on the ground.

25.  Would you like some___(strawberry)?---Yes, please.

1.    last(反义词)_______

2.    did(原形)________

3.    family(复数)_______

4.    should(否定形式)______

5.    good(比较级)_______

6.    worse(原级)________

7.    make(现在分词)_______

8.    our(宾格)__________

9.    is(过去式)_______

10.  April(缩写)________

11.  heavy(比较级)_______

12.  children(单数)________


1.    聊天________ 2.你的双胞胎姐妹________

3.一位年轻女士_______  4.比纸轻_________

5.一个重南瓜_________ 6. 和..一样高_______

7.twenty minutes________ 8. 165centimetres_________

9.the only child in your family________

10. a cute little cat_________


1.    Su Hai`s handwriting is_____(good)than Su Yang`s.

2.    Your shirt is very_________(smart)

3.    Tom often _____(get)up at 6:00

4.    What are you____(do) now?

5.    Whose bag is____(big) ,Jim`s or Ben`s?

6.    I`d like _____(go) skating.

7.    This building is as_____(tall) as that one.

8.    Jack____(milk) a cow on a farm yesterday.

9.    Where____(be) Mr Liu last weekend?

10.  Who`s_____(fat) than me?

Part I.听力试题
( )1.A.It's eighteen.  B.It's eight.  C.It's twenty_eight.
( )2.A.Don't ask me the time.  B.OK.Let me help you find the watch.
  C.I'm sorry that my watch is at home.
( )3.A.Hello,nice to meet you. B.How do you do?  C.Very well,thank you.
( )4.A.No.By bus.  B.Yes,they are.  C.They're American.
( )5.A.No.By bus.  B.Yes.By bike.   C.Yes.By bus.
( )1.Who's Ann? A.Tom's teacher.  B.Tom's sister.   C.Tom's brother.  D.Tom's cat.
( )2.Are Ann's parents both teacher?
  A.No,they aren't.  B.Yes,they are.   C.Sorry,I don't know.  D.No,but her brother is a teacher.
( )3.Who's in bed?
  A.The daughter. B.The father. C.The son.  D.We don't know.
( )4.What color is Tom's coat?
  A.It's black. B.It's red. C.It's white. D.We don't know.
( )5.How many people are there in the family?
   A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

  My______Ted Pike.I am a_____in a big store.I Don't work in the morning.I_____work at night.Every morning I_____home at about half______six.I have breakfast at seven.After breakfast I go to bed.I get up at about two______. I have lunch at a ____ to three and______at twenty to nine.I_____after the stone every night.I______my work very much.

                  Part II.笔头试题
( )1.Look at_____picture.In it we can see______small boat on the river.
    A.a,a  B.the,the   C.the,a  D.a,the
( )2.Here are your new trousers.Please_______.
   A.look it after  B.look after it    C.look them after   D.look after them
( )3.The purse is______.It's not______.
   A.my,his  B.hers,his   C.her,mine  D.mine,her
( )4.This is Mr.Huang's watch.Please______.
   A.give them to him    B.give him them  C. give it to him   D.give him it
( )5.Do you know the girl over there? She_______a red dress today.
   A.puts on  B.have  C.is in  D.takes off
( )6."_____in your Chinese book?""A photo of my twin sister."
   A.Who's  B.What's  C.Where's   D.How's
( )7.Mike's schoolbag is _____the floor_____his desk.
    A.on,in   B.on,under   C.beside,near   D.behind,over
( )8.It's already(已经) midnight.It's time_____,I think.
    A.to go to bed  B.go to bed    C.for the bed   D.for bed
( )9."Oh,your kites are very nice.""_______."
   A.That's right   B.It's nice    C.Yes,you are right    D.Thank you
( )10.Jim,with Tom,Bill and Lu Ming_____there in the tree house.
   A.are down  B.is down    C.are up  D.is up
( )11.Let's ask Kimberly to introduce_______English.
   A.her in  B.him with   C.herself in  D.himself with
( )12."Please don't forget____your pencil-box with you to school,"says Han Mei's mother at home.
    A.bringing   B.taking   C.to bring  D.to take
( )13."______I go home now?I______help my mother with the housework.""Yes,please."
    A.Can,can  B.Must,must   C.Can,must  D.Must,can
( )14."Do you have a sweater like this?""Yes,I have_____."
    A.one  B.a one  C.red one  D.it
( )15.Hello,Jack________.
  A.Here's a flower from you   B.Here's a flower of you
  C.Here are two flowers for you    D.Here has a flower for you

1.There's some money and an ID in the woman's purse.(否定句)
 There's_____money_____an ID in the woman's purse.
2.Come to meet the family.(否定句) ____ ____ to meet the family.
3.It's Miss May's sharpener.(提问) ____ ____ is it?
4.The boy on the black bike is a friend of mine.(提问)
 ____ ____is a friend of yours?
5.The TV in my home is black and white.(提问)
 ____ ____ is the TV in your home?
6.We go to school at ten to seven.(提问)____ ____do you go to school?
7.We can see eight kites in the sky.(提问)
 ____ ____ ____can you see in the sky?
8.I think Lily is on duty today.(提问)____ do you think____on duty today?
9.Jeff goes to work on his bike.(on the bus,选择问句)
 ____Jeff____ to work on his bike____on the bus?

 ___ ___ are _____ _____ _____ now.
 The old man_____ _____ _____is Joy's_____.
 Miss Gao asks_____ _____ _____ _____the twins.
 _____you _____that it's his_____ _____?
 ___ ___ ___ ___now?
 ___ _____. _____ _____help you.
 There are too_____ _____in the park.Mrs.King_____ _____her______.

1.How many sheeps can you see on the hill over there?_______
2.The computer is old,and its keyboard is new._______
3.Is the TV in your home color or black or white?________
4.Your shoes are very nice,and his is very nice,too._______
5.I don't think it's time to go her home._______
6."Which bike is ubder the big tree?""Mike's."_______
7."Aren't Lucy and Lily in different class?""Yes,they are."_______
8.Your coat is in the bed.Please put it on._______
9.You can see a desk,a chair and a clock in the picture.And what can you see in it?______
10.Mr.and Mrs.Brown want live in China very much._______

 I work in a small shop(商店). It's near an English 1. Every day students come to 2 things. In the morning,I get up 3 six,and then I have breakfast. I go to 4 by bike.I get to the shop at about six fifty. The shop 5 at seven.We sell(卖) things 6 food and drink(食品和饮料). We have school things,too,so there 7 often many people in our shop 8 morning to evening. I have 9 in the shop.At seven in the evening the shop is closed(关闭).We all go home 10 supper.
( )1. A.hill  B.house  C.school  D.river
( )2.A.buy  B.sell  C.take   D.want 
( )3.A.on  B.in  C.at  D.from
( )4.A.school B.bed C.class D.work 
( )5.A.opens  B.open  C.is opening  D.is open
( )6.A.with  B.like  C.for D. about
( )7.A.are  B.have  C.see  D.come
( )8.A.in  B.on  C.at  D.from
( )9.A.supper B.breakfast C.tea  D.lunch
( )10.A.to  B.at  C.with  D.for

Han Mei:Excuse me,Jim.What's the time,please?
  Jim:It's five fifteen.
Han Mei:Oh,it's late.I must go and see Miss Gao.
  Jim:How is Miss Gao?She isn't at school today.
Han Mei:She isn't well today.
  Jim:Oh,you have many nice flowers.You can give flowers to Miss Gao.
Han Mei:Yes,you're right.Will you go with me,Jim?
  Jim:Sorry,Han Mei.My parents are at work.I must look after my child Bruno.He is ill.
Han Mei:Your child?Do you have a child?
  Jim:Oh,no.It's my dog.I must go now.Bye!
Han Mei:Ah,Jim.You are very funny.Bye!
( )1.Han Mei will ______.
  A.go home  B.play games  C.go to school  D.see Miss Gao
( )2.Han Mei's flowers are for______.
  A.Jim  B.Miss Gao's husband  C.Miss Gao  D.Jim's parents
( )3.Miss Gao is ______today.
  A.at home   B.very well  C.at school  D.at home
( )4.Bruno is______.
  A.a boy  B.a girl  C.Jim's child   D.a dog
( )5.Which is NOT right?______
  A.Jim's parents are not at work today.    B.Jim doesn't have a child.
  C.Jim doesn't go to see Miss Gao.      D.Jim's dog isn't well today.

  John is a Canadian.He lives in a tall building in the city(城市) of Toronto.There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor.He uses a lift(电梯) to go up and down.
  John works very hard.He goes to work early.Every day he leaves(离开) his home and walks(走) to the lift.He gets into(走进) the lift.It takes him down to the first floor.
  He gets out of(走出)the lift.Then he walks to a bus stop.The bus stop is in front of(在...前)a station.It is about two hundred metres(米) from his home.
  Often,he catches(赶) the No.11 bus to work,but sometimes(有时) he goes by train(火车).
John works in a factory(工厂)about ten kilometres(千米)from his home.His work starts at half past eight,and finishes at four forty-five.He gets back home at five fifteen.He gets into the lift,and goes up to the twelfth floor.Then he gets out of the lift and climbs(爬) up to the fifteenth floor on foot.
( )1.Toronto is_______
  A.a Canadian  B.a Canadian boy C.a city in A merica  D.a city in Canada
( )2.John goes up to his home and dwn o the first floor_____.
  A.on foot  B.in a lift  C.by bus   D.by car
( )3.John's factory is______.
  A.in front of a station    B.in front of a bus stop
  C.about two hundred metres from his home    
  D.about ten kilometres from his home
( )4.He works for _____a day.
  A.about eight hours  B.seven hours   C.six hours  D.nine hours
( )5.When(当) he goes home,he takes the lift to______.
  A.the 18th floor  B.the 15th floor  C.the 12th floor  D.the 1st floor