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1.Didn'tyou finish your homework?You it yesterday.
A.should finish B.could finish
C.should have finished
D.need have finished
2.Most of ____ ____ houses in the small town were destroyed by ____ ____ extraordinary bigflood in July.
A.不填;不填   B.the;an
C.不填;the   D.the;a
3.My father went to bed very late last night,______,early this morning.
A.or rather   B.rather than
C.that is      D.or else
4.No sooner ______ reached the door than his wife ____ ____ .
A.had he;had come back
B.he had;came back
C.had he;came back
D.did he;had come back
5.The young boy lay there,______.
A.with stomach on the floor
B.with stomach on floor
C.his stomach on floor
D.with his stomach on the floor
6.The headmaster insisted the boy ____ ____ it by mistake rather than on purpose.
A.has done   B.does
C.should do   D.did
7.____ ____is known to us all is that the Pyramid is one of the famous wonders of the world.
A.As B.It    C.What D.Which
8.Do you intend to take ____ ____ his offer of a job?
A.in   B.up   C.over D.away
9.The director as well as the other managers to drive a car.
A.have learned B.has learned
C.had learned   D.are learning
10.Joan made up for the time she missed in school when she was sick,by studying very hard.In this case,we can say that it is possible for the lost time ____ ____ up.
A.to be made   B.to make
C.making   D.being made
11.Jim :Could you please tell me whether the dining car is still open?
  Jim :Thank you.
A.Never mind,it is still open
B.My pleasure,it is closed five minutes ago
C.I'm afraid it closed five minutes ago
D.I'm sorry,I don't know
12.—Excuse me,do you have the time?
  —______,it is one sixteen.
A.No problem      B.With pleasure
C.Yes         D.Not at all
13.Sam :Hello,I'd like to make a reservation for July 30.
  Sam :I'd like a suite with a king-size bed.
  Lucia:A suite with a king-size bed.Let me see.Yes,we ____ .It's146anight.
  Sam :All right.That sounds good.
A.What type of room;have no room available
B.What type of room;have a room available
C.Which room do you like ;have one available room
D.Your name ,please ;have one room available
14.Workers in the United States must do a good job,produce well and get along with their colleagues—or they can be“let go”as it is called. The underlined phrase can be replaced by
A.left B.fired C.gave up D.hired
15.—Hey,what's up?You don't look well.
  —Never mind.I just let myself get intoa state before the exam begins. The underlined phrase means“______”.
A.feel well   B.become nervous
C.turn into good state for exam
D.become a bad condition
16.Airport staff refused to let Sophia travel home Cyprus because they feared she
had chicken-pox.
A.to   B.away C.from D.of
17.Her dad,Bill,said,“I knew it was just a bad reaction to mosquito(蚊子)bites the doctor at the airport disagreed and we were thrown off the flight.”
A.so   B.and C.but D.unless
18.Bill explained,“Our luggage was taken off the plane and we were told we ____ ____ fly until we had a doctor's certificate.
A.can't      B.wouldn't
C.shouldn't   D.couldn't
19.“We talked toourtravelrep who ____ us to see a paediatrician(儿科医生)atthe hospital.
A.let      B.arranged for
C.phoned   D.discussed with
20.“agreed it was mosquito bites and gave us a certificate to fly.”
A.The doctor at the airport
B.The airport staff
C.He      D.They
II.阅读理解(Reading com prehension)(共30小题,计30分)

Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world.Commuters(通勤者) rush to and from their jobs in cars,buses,sub- ways,trains,and even on bicycles.Large cities in the United States have two rush hours—one in the morning and one in the evening.But in cities in other parts of the world,there are four rush hours.In Athens and Rome,for example,manyworkers go home for lunch and a nap.After this midday break,they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.

In Tokyo,there's a big rush hour underground.Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways.The trains are very crowded.Subway employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors close.They make sure that all purses,briefcases,clothes,and hands are inside the trains.

In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to work.To hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers.This means they'll pay the cab driver double the usual fare.Some people even raise three fingers! They'll pay THREE times the normal rate.
Streets in Rome are very crowded with automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行车)during rush hours.The city can't make its streets wider,and it can't build new highways,because it doesn't want to disturb the many historic sites in the city,such as the Forum and the Colosseum.It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system.Construction had to stop every time workers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古学家).
In many big cities,there are special lanes on highways for carpools.These are groups of three or more people who drive to and from work together.They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city.

Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world.Rush hour traffic seems to be a universal problem.

21.Big citieshave trafficproblemsduring rushhours because there are ____ ____ .
A.special lanes on highways
B.many commuters
C.four rush hours
D.many cars on the street
22.Most of the commuters in Tokyo ____ ____ .
A.take subway trains to work
B.are packers
C.take taxis to work
D.carry briefcases to work
23.To“hail a cab”means to ____ ____ .
A.pay double the normal rate
B.try to get a cab
C.prefer to take taxis
D.to stand at crossroads
24.Why did it take a long time to build a subway system in Rome?
A.Because the streets were very crowded.
B.Because there are many historic sites.
C.Because the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.
D.Because the traffic always stopped the construction.
25.Commuters in carpools probably ____ ____ .
A.live in the city
B.take the subway to work
C.save money on gas and parking fees
D.have special license plates(牌照)

As she crouched at the starting line,Florence Griffith Joyner meant business.It was the 1988U.S.Olympic Track and Field Trials,and from neck to ankles,her body was covered in an electric purple bodysuit.Only her left leg was entirely bare,and over the bodysuit she wore a turquoise(青绿色)bikini brief.If you looked closer,you saw the six-inch fingernails she was famous for,painted with a swirl of orange,black, and white.To Florence,looking stylish meant feeling fast.And that day,Florence felt extremely fast.The gun went off,and Florence was a streak of purple lightning thundering down the track.The crowd went wild as she crossed the finish line in a short 10.49seconds.She succeeded in breaking the world record for the 100-meter sprint and was crowned World's Fastest Woman.

Florence ____ Griffith Joyner(later nicknamed FloJo)always had a pas- sion for speed.When she was 5years old,she was determined to catch a jackrabbit(长耳大野兔) while visiting her father in the Mojave Desert.Undiscouraged by their reputa- tion as the fastest creatures on the sand,she kept tryinguntil she caught one.

Back home in the projects of South Central Los Angeles,Florence was the seventh of 11 kids.Amidst all of her brothers and sisters, Florence strove(努力)to be unique.In kinder- garten,she braided(编成辫子)her hair with one braid sticking straight up.Kids in her class always made fun of her,but she just laughed at them.Soon she was doing hair for the neigh- borhood kids.

All her life,Florence ran.In high school, she regularly defeated boys of her age and set records in both sprints and long jump.As straight-A student,she earned a scholarship to UCLA,and her career took off.She qualified for the Olympic trials in 1980and went on to com- pete in the 1984Los Angeles Summer Olympics,winning a silver in the 200-meter sprint.It was her first Olympic medal,but it wasn't enough.She was intent on winning gold.

She trained harder than ever and came back for the 1988Seoul,Korea,Olympics.She ac- complished more than any other American woman in Olympic history.Florence won gold medals in both the 100-meter and 200-meter sprints.She also won a gold in the 400-meter relay and a silver in the 1600-meter relay.The four medals earned her the name“Queen of Seoul”.

Shortly following the 1988 Olympics,Florence announced her retirement.She turned her efforts from breaking world records to helping those in need.She became spokeswoman for The American Cancer Society,The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,and a center for environmental edu- cation.In 1993,President Clinton chose her to be the first woman on the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.FloJo also dreamed of opening her own hairstyling spa and running a marathon.

In September 1998,Florence unexpectedly died in her sleep.She was 38at the time and had been married to Al Joyner for 11years. President Clinton commented that the nation was“dazzled by her speed,humbled by her talent, and captivated by her style.”From the little girl who caught jackrabbits,we will always remember FloJo as a woman who never gave up on her dreams.

26.Florence had ____brothers and sisters.
A.11B.10   C.5   D.7

27.When did Florence get her first Olympic medal?
A.In 1988   B.In 1980
C.In 1984   D.In 1982

28.Which of the following statements is True?
A.In 1988,Seoul Olympics,Florence broke the world record for the 100-meter sprint.
B.Florence usually defeated the boys of her age and setrecordsin sprintsand long jump in high school.
C.Florence was the youngest among her brothers and sisters.
D.Florence ran so fast that she could catch a jackrabbit easily.
29.Why did Florence earn the name“Queen of Seoul”?
A.Because she broke the world record for the 100-meter sprint.
B.Because she accomplished more than any other woman in Olympic history.
C.Because she won three golds and one silver in the Seoul Olympics in 1988.
D.Because she was the spokeswoman for The American Cancer Society.
30.When the kids in her class made fun of her, what did Florence do?
A.She did hair for the neighbourhood kids.
B.She hit them.
C.She just laughed at them.
D.She asked her brothers for help.

Many people believe that Leonardo da Vinci,an Italian artist and inventor who lived from 1452to 1519,was the most brilliant person ever born.He was certainly a man ahead of his time!Records show that da Vinci loved the earth and was curious about everything on it.
To learn about the human body,he dis- sected(解剖)corpses to find out what was in- side.In the 15th and 16th centuries,dissecting the dead was against the laws of the Catholic church.Leonardo was a brave man!

He was also an inventor.Leonardo invented a parachute(降落伞)and designed a type of helicopter—5centuries before airplanes were invented!Another of da Vinci's major talents was painting.You have probably seen a print,or copy,of one of his most famous paintings.It is called The Last Supper,and shows Jesus eating his final meal with his disciples.It took da Vinci 3years to paint The Last Supper.The man who hired da Vinci to do the painting was upset.Hewent to da Vinci to ask why it was taking so long.The problem,said da Vinci,was that in the painting,Jesus has just told the disciples that one of them would betray him.He wanted to get their expressions exactly right as each cried out,“Lord,am I the one?”
Another famous painting by da Vinci is called the Mona Lisa.Have you seen a print of this painting?Maybe you have been lucky enough to see the original hanging in a Paris art museum called the Louvre(Loov).If so,you know that Mona Lisa has a wistful expression on her face.The painting is a real woman,the wife of an Italian merchant.Art historians believe she looks wistful because one of her children had recently died.

Directions A):Answer the following questions according to the above article.

31.How old was da Vinci when he died?


32.Name two of da Vinci's inventions.


33.Why did the painting“The Last Supper”take da Vinci 3years to complete?


34.Why does Mona Lisa has a wistful expression on her face?


Directions B):Read the sentences be- low.Use context clues to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

35.Some people are perplexed when they look at “The Last Supper”,but others understand it


36.Because his model felt melancholy about the death of her child,da Vinci had music played
to lift her spirits as he painted his“Mona Lisa”.


Officer Ellis Sinclair has 33kids.As part of a crime-prevention program,he keeps a close watch on 33kids,ages 10to 14.How close?He's moved right into their tough neighborhood!
The police in Macon,Georgia,decided that a group of kids with a history of problems needed
their own fulltime cop.So the department bought a yellow brick house in East Macon where Sinclair could live and work.He packed everything,even his prized collection of model police cars,and moved in.“The people were glad to seeme,”he says.

Each week,Officer Sinclair talks to principal of Appling Middle School to check the students'grades and behavior.He meets with the kids twice a week and listens to them anytime they want to talk.In the summer,the group will go camping,tour a dairy farm,and perform service projects.

The best news:Project Y.E.S.(for Youth Enrichment Services)really seems to work.Last year,88% of the kids in the project had been in trouble with the law.Just 8%have been in trouble since the beginning of the project,and the overall crime rate in East Macon has been lower, too.

A group of neighbors,including Sinclair's own grandmother,helps run Project Y.E.S.They say they feel safer having Sinclair nearby,so they want to help him do his job well.But Sinclair says his work is more than a job.He feels responsible for helping those 33have a better life.Says the officer,who has no kids of his own:“They're my family.”

Directions A):According to the story above,answer the following questions.

37.Where did Officer Sinclair move into?


38.What program does Y.E.S.refer to?


39.Who helps run project Y.E.S.?


40.How Does Officer Sinclair feel about the 33kids?

Directions B):Judge the following statements true(T)or false(F)according to the story above.
41.The overall crime rate in East Macon, Georgia is decreasing.___________

42.Last year,88%of the kids in Macon,Georgia were in trouble with the law;now only 8%of
the kids are in trouble with the law. ___________

43.The age range of the children involved in the project is 10—14.___________ 


Directions A):Here is the summary of the above advertisements.Fill the spaces 44—47 with no more than four words in each blank

The three advertisements are 44. Kenai Fjords Tours,45,explores Kenai Fjords National Park—the greatest concentration of wildlife and glaciers in Alaska.

Australia and New Zealand Chauffeur Car Touring is 46 Koala Tours Inc.They pro- vide many kinds of service items.For further information,you can call or fax them.

Value Holidays provides 47,which means,you can work with the design specialists to design“your own”itinerary instead of following the“standard”itinerary.

Directions B):According to the advertisements,answer the following questions

48.Mary,wife of Richard,doesn't like to travel on a ship,nor Performance Tours,but Richard has time only in November,and doesn't care where to go for their trip.Which tour company do you suggest they ask for information?
49.Jack would like to experience a wildlife trip on his summer vacation,which telephone number should he dial for some travel information?
50.Name three types of group programs designed by Value Holidays.


in,good,be careful,agreement,but,appreciate,carry,take,thank,hand, will,can,over,so,hard

Colleen and Mary carried the boxes down to the basement apartment.“ 51 with those,” cautioned Colleen's mother.“All the things in that box are breakable.”As soon as the two girls helped carry all the boxes from the moving van down the stairs,they would be able to go to school for the play tryouts.That was the 52 made with Colleen's mother earlier that day.
“It won't do any  53 to get careless with your work,just keep at it and the job will be
done quickly,”she spoke with a firmness 54 her voice.

“It's 55 to see where I'm going when I have to walk backward,”groaned Mary.“Can we switch(交换)places with the next box?”

Colleen agreed to switch places 56 they soon discovered that the last two boxes were light-weight.Each girl had her own box to 57 so each of them got to walk looking forward.“These are so light,”remarked Mary.“What's in them?”
“These have the beautiful,colorful hats I was telling you about.We can take them to the play tryouts with us,”answered Colleen.“I bet we'll impress the director.Even if we don't get parts in the play,I bet our hats 58.”
Colleen's mother 59 each of the girls a 5-dollar bill.“I really 60 your help.Will this be enough?”
“Thanks,Mom.You bet!”Colleen shouted as the girls ran down the sidewalk.

Newspapers keep us informed about what is going on in the world.They entertain,educate and examine the 61of the day.For mil- lions of people worldwide,newspapers are an important 62of daily life.

Newspapers are published at various intervals,but they usually come 63 daily or weekly.Of the nearly 60,000newspapers published around the world,about 2,600 are  64 in the United States.More than half—about 1,800—of them are dailies.
Some newspapers have many subscribers(订阅者)—people 65 pay to have each edition delivered to them.There are many,many newspapers 66only a few thousand subscribers.These include small-town weeklies and special-interest papers,like those written for people who enjoy the same hobby.
Newspapers provide a service to the com- munity 67 providing information at little cost.But newspaper publishing is  68  business,so like other businesses,newspapers need to make 69
They can keep the cost to subscribers low and still stay in business by selling space to businesses and individuals who want to advertise products or services.In most newspapers,be- tween one-third and two-thirds of the paper is  70 up by advertising.


Shortly after moving into a small town north of San Francisco,I found a note in the mailbox from a neighbor.“We're so happy to have more children in the neighborhood,”Rhonda Ander- son wrote,“Please come for tea.”

(71)A few days later my two-year-old daughter,Julia,and I made our way down a brick-lined path into a brand-new friendship.In the nine years since,Rhonda and I have been best friends.
At first,we seemed unlikely candidates for such an enduring relationship.She's a full-time, hands-on,cookie-baking mom;I'm a confessed workaholic(工作狂).She's a natural athlete;I love opera and ballet.
(72)Yet our relationship has grown because of how much we've shared.Rhonda and I have together taken the kids to see Santa and the Easter bunny,the circus(杂技团)and the county fair.
(73)But it's the times we've leaned on each other that really come to mind.When storms knocked out the electric power,our families huddled(挤作一团)together in candlelight. Once,I briefly left my ten-year-old daughter home alone and returned to find her cuddled(蜷曲着身子)in Rhonda's arms.“I felt sick,so I called Rhonda,”Julia explained.
Closest friends are like that.(74)“A friend drops her plans when you're in trouble,shares joy in your accomplishments,feels sad when you're in pain,”says psychotherapist Doris Wild Helmering.(75)“A friend encourages your dreams and offers advice———but when you don't follow it,she still respects and loves you.”
78.就是在最近我再次阅读这首诗的时候,我 才开始欣赏它的美。(强调句型)
79.姚刚决不可能出国了,因为刚才我在街上 还见到过他。(can not have done)
80.在美国居住十年后,我又回到了我孩提时 长大的家乡。(定语从句)

V.短文改错(Error correction)(共15小题, 计15分)
When I look back on that year,I can hardly believe that            81.____
one person could have such a terrible luck for a whole year.          82.____ 
It was the night of January 26.One of my best friends were           83.____ 
celebrating her birthday at the local rollerskating rink,and I was invited. 84.____ 
After a few minutes of the skating,I decided to go out for a Coca-cola.   85.____ 
Unfortunately,I didn't notice the trailing ribbons of carpet which had    86.____ 
wrapped around the wheel of my skate,pulling my left leg under me.      87.____ 
My leg was broken.It wasn't just broken in one place,and in four places!  88.____ 
At the hospital,the doctor set the bone and puts a cast            89.____ 
in my leg.Three months later,I felt like a new person.            90.____ 
Sadly,the happiness wasn't meant to last.Five months before the        91.____ 
final cast was removed,I fell and broke the other leg again.         92.____ 
Not until did it rebreak but also it broke in the same four places!      93.____ 
We found later that it hadn't healed correctly. Three months later,      94.____ 
it was early December and the end of a year I wish to repeat.          95.____ 

VI.智力测试(Intelligence)(共5小题,计5 分)(答案写在答题纸上)
96.What number should replace the question mark? 

97.Match the pieces that are the same shape. Write the correct letter in each piece.

98.Read the statements below.Then answer the question.
None of the four Jones brothers is the same height.
No brother is taller than a brother who is older.
The brothers'names are Don,Dan,Dave, and Dick.
Dave is taller than Dan and Dick.
Don is older than Dave.
Dan is shorter than Dick.
Which brother is older than Dan butyoungerthanDave?_______________

99.Seven cows went for a walk around the pasture.The black cows with horns,the white cows with horns,and the black cows with spots went.The black cows without horns and the white cows without spots also went.Name the cow that didn't go. 

100.Find a four-letter word to go in front of these words,so as to make another five words. 
Directions:The graph below shows the sales of a book named“How to Improve Your English”.Use the information shown in the graph to write an essay about 120—150words to show your opinion about the sales situation of the book.


I.1—5 CBACD  6—10 DCBBA   11—15 CCBBB  16—20CCDBC

II.21—25BABBC 26—30BCBCC 31.67 32.The parachute and the helicopter.33.Because he wanted to get the disciples’ expressions exactly right as each cried out, “Lord, am I the one?” 34.Because the painting is a real woman, whose child had recently died.35.puzzled 36.sad 37.A house bought by the police.38.A program for crime-prevention.39.A group of neighbors, including Sinclair’s own grandmother. 40.He considers them fami-ly.41.T  42.F 43.T 44.travel information 45.a travel service company  46.offered by 47.Programs by Design 48.Koala Tours Inc. 49.1—800—478—8068. 50.Music Appreciation,performance Tours, Art Tours.
III.51.Be careful 52.agreement 53.good 54.in  55.hard 56.but 57.carry 58.will 59.handed 60.appreciate 61.events 62.part 63.out 64.published 65.who/that  66.with 67.by 68.a 69.money 70.taken
 76.Seen from the top of the hill, the small town looks even more beautiful.
 77.How do you suppose he was able to finish the work so soon?
 78.It was only when I read the poem again recently that I began to appreciate its beauty.
 79.Yao Gang can not have gone abroad because I saw him in the street just now.
 80.After living in the United States for 10 years, I returned to the hometown where I grew up as a child.
V.When I look back on that year, I can hardly believe that           81. 
one person could have such a terrible luck for a whole year.           82.  a   
It was the night of January 26. One of my best friends were           83. was 
celebrating her birthday at the local roller-skating rink, and I was invited. 84. had been
After a few minutes of the skating, I decided to go out for a Coca-cola.    85. the  
Unfortunately, I didn’t notice the trailing ribbons of carpet which had    86.   
wrapped around the wheel of my skate, pulling my left leg^under me.      87. from 
My leg was broken. It wasn’t just broken in one place, and in four places!  88. but  
At the hospital, the doctor set the bone and puts a cast            89. put  
in my leg. Three months later, I felt like a new person.            90. on   
Sadly, the happiness wasn’t meant to last.Five months before the        91. after 
final cast was removed, I fell and broke the other leg again.          92. same 
Not until did it rebreak but also it broke in the same four places!       93. only 
We found ^later that it hadn’t healed correctly. Three months later,     94.  out  
it was early December and the end of a year I ^wish  to repeat.        95.  didn’t 

 VII.One possible version:
  From the graph,we can see that there were two peaks in the sales of the book “How to Improve Your English”,one was in February,the number of students who bought the book was 30,000;the other was in July,the number was 60,000.The number in July doubled that in February.Comparing the sales of the book between January and February,we find that it increased 3 times. Why did the peaks occur in February and July?I guess it was because they were holiday months—winter holiday and summer holiday.During that period,many students had enough time to go to the bookstores.
  Also,the book was useful to the students,and they liked it very much.
  Therefore,the sales trend is still moving up-wards.We can guess that in the following months the sales situation will be getting better and better. 

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