Unit 11 The Merchant of Venice
【重点词语】 agreement, bitter, weakness, judgement, desire, greet, (greeting)
punishment, comfort, poem, make a promise, take one’s seat,
be seated, use one’s head, take…in one’s arms, according to ,
take pride in , play the role of , on condition that ,
【重点句型】 I never know so young a lady with so wise a head.
【语法焦点】 复习动词不定式
【口语交际】 进餐用语
The text is taken from the play “The Merchant of Venice” written by Wiiliam Shakespeare (1564-1616). He was born in Stratford on Aron, England. He spent his early youth in a rather wealthy family. He went to the grammar school at Stratford and there he learned Latin and a little Greek but he could not finish his schooling because his father soon got into difficulties in trade. In 1585 or 1586 he left Stratford for London, where he got a job in a play-house, taking care of gentlemen’s horses, or doing some other simple work.. Then he became a actor and later started to write plays. In 1592 he first came to notice as a play writer in London .In 1599 he became a part owner of the Gold Theatre in London, and finally retired to his birthplace, Stratford on Aron in 1613.He continued to be an actor and to write plays for more than twenty years. Many of his plays were published during his lifetime. As a play writer he wrote tragedies(悲剧)、 comedies(喜剧)and historical plays(历史剧),and as a poet he wrote narrative poems(长诗)and sonnets( 十四行诗)、His famous plays include Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、 Twelfth Night(十二夜), King Lear( 李尔王),Henry Ⅷ (亨利八世)、Romeo and Juliet (罗米欧和朱丽叶)。
1. He had many merchant ships, which traded with other countries.
trade v.经商,做买卖 (engage in the business of buying or selling goods );对换 (exchange)
China has traded in industrial and agricultural products with many countries.
The firm trades(vi) largely in silk with America . 这个公司和美国作大宗的丝绸贸易。
He is in the furniture trade. (n.)他从事家具业。
The boy traded his knife for a ball. 这孩子用他的刀换了一个球。
trade 还可用作名词.例如:
foreign trade 对外贸易 domestic trade 国内贸易
free trade 自由贸易 the balance of trade 贸易平衡
2.Bassanio, Autonio’s best friend, was in love with Portia, ……
be in love with意为“与……恋爱,爱上”
He has never been in love with anybody before.
fall in love with……也是“爱上”的意思。
We fell in love with the garden as soon as we saw it.
3.The reason for this was that Antonio had many times scolded Shylock publicly for being greedy and cruel. 因为安东尼奥曾多次当众斥骂夏洛克的贪婪和残忍。
①scold 在这里是及物动词,作 “申斥,怒骂” (blame with angry words )
例如:He was scolded for telling a lie. 他因说谎而受到责备。
The teacher scolded John for cheating at the examination.
Dad scolded me for coming home late. 父亲责备我回家晚了。
②介词短语for being greedy and cruel 作原因状语修饰动词scold , for作 “因为、由于”解时,它可跟名词、动词 ing 形式及从句作其宾语.例如:
They all jumped for joy at the news. 听到这消息,他们都高兴地跳起来。
Excuse me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了。
I’m sorry for what has happened. 发生这件事我很抱歉。
4.However, Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.
on one condition 作 “规定一个条件”解.这个条件就是下文的带有if从句的复合句所表达的意思––––如果三个月不还钱就割安东尼奥身上的肉。
on condition (按……条件,在条件……下),后跟that-clause , 这是一个条件状语从句。例如:
You can have the book for a few days on condition that you return it next week.
I will do it on condition that I am paid well. 如报酬好,我愿意干。
5.In the agreement Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months.
①make a promise 允许,作出承诺,其中的promise是名词,与promise搭配的词组还有keep one’s promise (遵守诺言),carry out one’s promise (履行诺言) ,break one’s promise (食言)。
例如:Father made a promise that he would buy me a new recorder.
He’s always making promises and then breaking them .他总是许下诺言后又食言.
He is losing (gaining) flesh. 他瘦(胖)了。
Have you ever tasted the flesh of the snake? 你曾吃过蛇肉吗?
meat 指供食物用的动物的肉(animal flesh as food), 通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉.鱼和家禽的肉称fish , chicken , duck 等. 在用餐时,讲到动物的肉时,应用beef (牛肉), pork (猪肉), mutton (羊肉),不用meat。应该说:Will you have another piece of beef? 不该说Will you have another piece of meat ?
6.…saying that all his ships had been lost at sea and that he would have to give Shylock a pound of flesh .
①在saying 后接了两个宾语从句,两个从句都由that引导 ,并用and 连接起来.在一个复合句中,如果有两个或两个以上平行的宾语从句,通常在每个宾语从句前面用一个that , 并在最后一个前面加上and (或but)。(在口语和非正式文体中,that常可省略.)
②lost adj. 毁灭,遭难的(destroyed , ruined , killed , etc.)
例如:The boat and all its men were lost in the storm.
7.Then she thought of a clever plan to save Antonio.
think of 在这里的意思是 “想出” (have the idea of )。例如:
Can you think of a good place for a weekend holiday? 你能想出一个周末度假的好去处
Who first thought of that idea? 谁先想到那个主意?
8.She pretended to be a lawyer, and her maid, Nerissa, dressed herself as a lawyer’s clerk .
pretend v.装扮,假装(make oneself appear to be sth. , to be doing sth.)后面可以接不定式,也可以接that引导的从句。例如:
The children pretended to be doctors and nurses. 孩子们装扮成医生和护士。
They pretended to be working very hard. 他们假装在努力工作。
9.Have mercy on Antonio .宽恕安东尼奥吧。
have mercy on/upon sb. 意为 “怜悯,宽恕某人”,类似的词组还有show mercy to sb.例如:
He begged me to have mercy on him. 他求我宽恕他。
They have no mercy on their enemies. 他们对敌人毫不留情。
No mercy was shown to the prisoners. 对囚犯毫不宽恕。
10.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock..跟夏洛克没有什么好争论的。
It is useless doing …= It is no use doing …意为“做……没有用处。 it 为作形式主语。
例如:It is no use scolding children. 责骂儿童是没有用的.
It is no use asking him about it. 问他是没有用的。
11. …,how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none ? (= …,how can you hope that others will show mercy to you if you show no mercy to others ?)
①hope for 希望有,希望得到
He hopes for success. 他希望成功。
Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. 作最好的打算,作最坏的准备。
②when 在这里相当于if.又如:
Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.
I’ll come when I’m needed .如果需要我,我就来。
11.Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. 然后,当庭宣读那封信.
①read out 的意思是read (sth.)aloud .又如:
Read out the answers to the questions, please . 请把问题的答案大声地念出来。
②court 这里指法庭。 court是个集合名词,当它做“法庭”“法院”讲是单数性;而当它做“法官们”讲时是复数性。例如:
All the court are for the judgement. 全体法官赞成这个判决。
The court is going to sentence him to death. 法庭将判他死刑。
课文后面还有这类句子:After the letter has been read out to the court,…这封信向全体法官宣读之后,……
I declare the court allows it …我断言法庭会答应的。
13. …,but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head .
①带有形容词的可数名词单数,当形容词前面有so , too , how 时,不定冠词 a/an应放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n. .例如:
This is so important a meeting that you should attend it .(=This is such an important meeting that you should attend it.)
It is too difficult a problem for the students. (=It is such a difficult problem for the students.)
How lovely a day it is! 多好的天气啊! (=What a lovely day it is !)
②body 在此句中的意思是“人”(=person , human being). so young a body 相当于 such a young man/person .
14.This is a most troublesome case. 这是一个非常麻烦的案子。
①a most troublesome case = a very troublesome case
most 前面用a时。most = very
It is a most touching story. 这是一个极为动人的故事。
②troublesome adj. 讨厌的;令人烦恼的(causing trouble ; annoying )
He is a troublesome person. 他是个讨厌的人。
Teaching seems troublesome to him. 教书对他来说似乎是烦恼的。
troublesome 是由动词trouble 加后缀––some 构成.
后缀––some表示 “引起”, “易于”等,可以放在某些名词,形容词或动词的后面构成形容 词,例如:tiresome (讨厌);lonesome (寂寞的,孤独的,冷落的);quarrelsome (爱吵架的)。
15.Please be seated = Please sit down. 请坐.
seat 用作及物动词是 “使…就座”; “供给…座位”的意思;名词作 “座位”解.
例如:This hall will seat 400 people .这个大厅可坐400人.
He seated himself at the desk. 他在桌子边坐下.
seat 有时以过去分词的形式出现作表语表示状态. 如:
The baby was seated on his mother’s knees.
seat oneself 就座 take one’s seat 就座 take (have ) a seat 就坐,坐下,请坐
16.You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted .
①shall在此处是情态动词用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是 “可以”.又如:
Don't worry. You shall get the answer this afternoon.
shall用于第一人称,表示将来时,如We shall start for Beijing tomorrow . 除此之外,还可以
用于第二.三人称,表示警告、允诺、命令、决心、强制等,这时shall 起情态动词的作用.
本课中还有几个句子都有shall作情态动词的这种用法,如下文中的一段话:The law of
Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him . One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke .这里的四个shall be 都用于第三人称,都表示 “警告”或 “强制”.“法律条文规定”
②more than 作 “不只是”, “远远超过”解.例如:
The money is more than enough for his journey. 这些钱他用来旅游绰绰有余。
They more than respect him. They envy him. 他们不只敬佩他,他们羡慕他。
17.I will take the money. 我愿意要钱。
will在这里是情态动词,表示 “愿意”,可用于各个人称.又如:
I will never talk about that again. 我再也不愿谈这件事了。
I will go if you wish. 如果你希望我去,我就去。
18.His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. Therefore, go down on you knees and beg the Duke for mercy . 他的生命全凭公爵处置,因此你快快跪下请求公爵饶恕吧。
①at the mercy of 意为 “完全受…支配”, “在…掌握中”.又如:
The picnic was at the mercy of the weather. 这次郊游要看天气如何而定。
The ship was at the mercy of the waves. 这艘船随波飘流。
②go down on one’s knees 的意思是 “跪下,屈膝”.又如:
They will never go down on their knees before the enemy. 他们决不向敌人屈膝。
③beg for意为 “乞求”, “请求”.又如:
I beg for your help. 我请求你的帮助。
Before liberation many peasants had to beg for food. 解放前很多农民不得不讨饭.
19.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.
①dear adj. 宝贵的,珍视的(valued).例如:
Honour is dearer to him than life. 荣誉对于他比生命更宝贵。
Time is very dear to everyone. 时间对于每个人来说都是非常宝贵的。
②goods在此处的意思是 “动产”,“货物”。
20.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
leave sth. to sb. 在这儿的意思是 “遗赠某物给某人”. 例如:
He left a number of books to me.
She left all her money to the government.
另外:leave sth to sb. 还可表示把某事交给某人办理或管理.例如:
I’ll leave it to you to buy the tickets.
三 口语操练 Expressions for having dinner
Waiter / Waitress Customer:
May I take your order now? I’d like to have a plate of fish.
Fish id special today. Eggs and milk, please.
Would you like to taste…? Certainly, it is delicious.
How do you like the dish? I enjoy the dinner very much.
【示范引证】 Dialogue
A: Excuse me, could I have the bill, please?
B: That’s $ 10.50 for the food, sir.
A: Here is the money.
B: You have to pay 15 percent more for the tip. Altogether it is $ 12.08.
A: Here you are.
B: Thanks. Please come again. Good-bye.
四 语法精讲 动词不定式 The Infinitive
1. 动词不定式的语法作用
To live is to work.
To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就等于延长了人的生命,
It is best to do so.
It would be best to tell him the truth.
His new job is to teach English.(将来的行为)
The main thing is to keep our machine from rust.
My job today is to look after my grandson at home.
I learn to speak Japanese.
They decided to begin the experiment at once.
注意:不定式通不能直接作介词宾语,介词之后的不定式要采用wh-word+to do 形式。
He gave us some advice on how to learn English.
be about to do sth.(正要做某事)
nothing but (to ) do sth.只能做某事。
I like you to do it this way.
Please ask John to turn on the light.
We are advised to wait.
They are allowed to talk in the classroom after class.
He said he had an important meeting to attend.
The fisherman had nothing to take home that morning.
Give me a piece of paper to write on. (=Give me a piece of paper on which I can write.)
He is looking for a room to live in. (=He is looking for a room in which he can live.)
Before liberation he had no chance to go to school.
Dr Bethune had no time to think about rest.
Is that the best way to solve the problem?
She was the first (person) to think of the idea.
注意:不定式作定语很少修饰人,但在表人的名词前有序数词(first , last , next ), the very , the right, the only 时,不定式可以修饰表人的名词,该句是这样。
He sat down to have a rest. 他坐下来休息。(表示目的)
They went there to visit their teacher.
He woke up only to find everybody gone.
My grandmother lived to see the liberation of China.
I’m very glad to see you.
I’m so sorry to hear your mother is ill.
如:He was too excited to say a few words.
He is old enough to go to school.
She is too tired to do the job.
注意:强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可用in order to 或so as to +动词原形。
so as to 不用于句首。
He got up early in order to catch the first bus.
The bus stopped so as to pick up passengers.
①在动词make, have, let ,hear, listen to, feel, see, watch, look at, notice, observe,等后面作宾语补足语时,动词不定式不带to。如:
I feel my heart beat fast.
Nobody saw him come in.
Look at the horse run.
如:They were heard to sing a song.
He was made to work from morning till night.
在动词help后面按带to 与不带to 的含义有所不同。
His advice will help you to improve your English.
他的忠告有助于你提高英语水平。(advice 不参与到improve的活动中)。
His book will help you improve your English.
他的书有助于你提高英语水平。(book 参与到improve 的活动中)。
had rather 宁可,had better 最好,had best 最好,would rather… than…宁愿…而不愿
would sooner…than…宁愿…而不愿,may(might)as well 还是…的好,等结构都需要接不带to的不定式。如:
Hadn’t you better take an umbrella?
I’d rather (sooner)stop now.
I’d best leave now, or I’ll be late.
③在介词but, except, besides, than, save等前若有实义动词do时,常用无to的不定式作其介词的宾语:例如:
What do you like to do besides swim? 除了游泳,你还爱好什么?
He did nothing else than laugh. 他只是笑笑而已。
④表示“只好”的but之后也需接不带to的不定式。它们是:cannot but, cannot help but, could not but, could not help but, cannot choose but,等。
We could not but weep at our bad luck. 对于我们的厄运我们只有哭了。
It’s raining hard. I cannot help but stay at home.
I have never known him come late. 我从来不知道他迟到过。
⑥并列连词连接不定式时,第一个不定式带to.第二个不定式to 可以省掉。
I haven’t decided whether to go or stay longer.
3. 动词不定式的复合结构
It’s common for leaves to fall from the trees in autumn.
It’s for you to decide. 这得由你决定。(表语)
Can you arrange for a car to take us there?
There are a lot of difficulties for us to overcome.
He put the paper on the desk for you to read.
注意:it is +表示人的性质特征的形容词+不定式复合结构的句型中,不定式的逻辑主语由介词of 引导。这时形容词即可修饰不定式,也可修饰逻辑主语。例如:It is very kind of you to come to see us. (你来看我们真好)。此句也可写成 You are kind to come to see us.
动词不定式前有时加上连接代词what, which或连接副词when, where, why, how等,构成动词不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成份。
When to start has not been decided.
I did not know what to do.
He gave me some advice on how to learn.
leave leave作为常用词通常有三个意思:
1.离开 Leave s.w for another s.w 离开某地去另外一个地方.
She left her hometown for Beijing.她离开故乡去北京。
2.留下,落 Leave sb/sth. in s.w 把……留在(落在)某地方
I left my umbrella in the classroom. 我把雨伞落在教室了。
The little girl was left at home alone.这小女孩被单独留在家里。
3.表示使役leave + O(主语)+ C(补语)
She left the little boy standing outside.她让这小男孩站在外边。
Who left the door open? 谁敲的门?
We don’t leave the job half done.我们不能把工作干半截。
另外 leave 还有名词性。如 ask for leave 请假。
Unit 11
A 卷
I.词语练习 5%
1. The USA is one of the ________(西方) countries.
2. Today Lei Feng is still remembered and ________(钦佩) as a good soldier.
3. Please read the ________(说明) before you operate the machine.
4. Our school library is much smaller, ________(相比) with yours.
5. It’s no good ________(假装) to know what you don’t know.
6. Proper m________ care should be given to the patients.
7. G________ speaking, boys like football better than girls.
8. I have not seen him much l________.
9. Put the stamps on the e________ and then put them into the letter box.
10. On the phone, try to e________ yourself clearly in as few words as possible.
II. 选择填空 20%
1.Mr King asked for ______ that the boss felt puzzled.
A. a very small salary B. such small a salary
C. such a salary small D. so small a salary
2.The old scientist left all of a sudden, ______ the project unfinished.
A. left B. to leave
C. leaving D. having left
3.I can lend you the book ______ you return it to me before Tuesday.
A. in a condition that B. on condition that
C. on the condition of D. on conditions whether
4.She was the first person ______ this idea.
A. thinking up B. thinking about
C. who thinks about D. to think of
5.We make ______ a rule to speak English in the morning.
A. that B. this C. him D. it
6.He seems ______ the exam. He looks so happy.
A. passing B. to pass
C. to have passed D. having passed the exam
7.______ is said that Professor Hu will pay a visit to our school next week.
A. He B. That C. What D. It
8.----I hear that you have written a book.
----Yes, the book ______ be out in a month or so.
A. can B. dare C. should D. need
9.He was afraid ______ the yard because he was afraid ______ by the big dog ______at the gate.
A. to enter; to be bitten; lay B. of entering; of being bitten; lay
C. of entering; to be bitten ;laying D. to enter; of being bitten; lying
10.The soldiers are well ______ with food and clothing.
A. offered B. filled C. supplied D. given
11.There is no need ______ the difference between the two phrases.
A. to say B. speaking C. to show D. telling
12.Almost everyone fails ______ on the first attempt.
A. to pass our driver’s test B. in passing this driver’s test
C. to pass his driver’s test D. to have passed his driver’s test
13.All the goods have been delivered in a good ______.
A. condition B. situation C. state D. time
14.Don’t be anxious. You ______ get the answer right this afternoon.
A. shall B. must C. are able to D. would
15.----Amy! Did you have a good time in the park?
----Yes, but I really ______ because I had a lot of things to do.
A. needn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t
1.You’d better _____(have) your hair cut.
2.He is very strong. He will be able _____(work) for another hour.
3.My little brother is too young _____( dress) himself.
4.It is difficult _____(decide) what _____(do).
5.______ (rest) well is necessary for health.
6.The bus stopped _______(pick) up passengers.
7.He seemed _______(worry) about something.
8.They seemed ______(read) when I came in.
9.I would rather _______(not write) it all.
10.We noticed her ______(be) good at summing up experience.
11.He was seen ______(leave) the library.
12.She has a number of letters _______(write).
13.Our job is _____(get) the room ready for the English party.
14.That story was well planned _____(fool) them.
15.It’s important for us _____(study) hard.
16.There is a lot of work for us _____(do).
17.He was too moved _____(say) a word.
18.He wanted the letter _______(post) at once.
19.She asked _______(give) more work to do.
20.The boy doesn’t want ______(help) by the others.
III. 翻译下列句子 5%
B 卷
IV. 完形填空 20%
It must have been after two o'clock in the morning when the last guests took their 1 , and although we had enjoyed their arrival, my wife and I were quite 2 to shut the door behind them. We left all the dirty dishes and glasses 3 they were and after opening a few windows to let some fresh air in and the 4 of the tobacco out, we climbed into bed and fell 5 .
I couldn't have been asleep for more than half an hour 6 I woke up with a 7 smell of smoke in my nose. Still half asleep, I walked into the hall, and there, 8 dense clouds of smoke, I saw that one of the curtains was 9 . I should have closed the windows then 10 delay, but 11 I tried to beat out the flames with a newspaper. When this failed I 12 into the kitchen to grab a bucket and fill it 13 water. At the 14 time I shouted to Barbara, who hurriedly dialed 119 to ask the fire brigade 15 coming to my help. We had to work at 16 speed carrying buckets of water from the kitchen to prevent the flames fanned by the wind from the windows, 17 spreading. We were unable to 18 the fire but we 19 to keep it partly in check until the arrival of the firemen. Fortunately, they arrived quickly and they had little difficulty 20 putting out the flames. For most of the rest of the day we worked hard.
1. A. leave B. leaving C. stay D. staying
2. A. thanks B. thanking C. thankful D. awful
3. A. as B. like C. in D. at
4. A. smile B. smell C. ash D. dust
5. A. sleep B. sleepless C. asleep D. sleeping
6. A. while B. when C. after D. until
7. A. dense B. heavy C. lot D. strong
8. A. through B. across C. over D. above
9. A. on burning B. in burning C. on fire D. in fire
10. A. with B. without C. against D. by
11. A. in place B. in stead C. instead D. in time
12. A. hurrying B. hurried C. worried D. worrying
13. A. in B. up C. with D. into
14. A. next B. correct C. right D. same
15. A. till B. and C. before D. when
16. A. height B. face C. top D. bottom
17. A. for B. from C. out D. to
18. A. put out B. break out C. put off D. break off
19. A. failed B. tried C. managed D. succeeded
20. A. for B. to C. in D. on
V. 阅读理解 20%
A patient was making his first visit to the doctor.
“And whom did you consult your illness before you came to see me?” said the doctor.
“Only the druggist down at the corner,” replied the patient.
The doctor didn’t hide his anger at the medical advice often given by people who weren’t doctors.” And what sort of ridiculous advice did that fool give you?” he asked.
“He told me to see you”.
1. Why do you suppose the patient didn’t go to see the doctor first?
A.He was a friend of the druggist’s.
B.He was afraid of doctor.
C.He didn’t believe in the doctor.
D.The story doesn’t tell us.
2. From the story, we can infer that _____.
A.the doctor was a warm––hearted man.
B.there was only one doctor there.
C.the doctor was a narrow––minded man.
D.the doctor was too proud to listen to the other’s advice.
3. Why did the doctor call the druggist “the fool”?
A.He thought only doctors like him are clever enough to give medical advice.
B.He thought the druggist was not clever enough.
C.He didn’t like all the druggists.
D.He thought the druggist had fooled his patient.
4. “And whom did you consult you illness before you came to me?”
The underlined part means ______.
A.cure sb. of his illness.
B.go for advice.
C.tell the story of one’s illness.
D.drop in on a druggist.
5.When the patient answered” He told me to see you ,” ____.
A.He meant that the druggist was so foolish that he told me to see you.
B.he thought that the druggist’s advice was clever.
C.he was glad, that it was the druggist who helped him to find a.
D.he was, in fact, telling the doctor that he thought the doctor himself was a real fool.
Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as house and buildings near the shore. What causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
The size of a wave depends on how strong the wind is, how long it blows, and how large the body of water is. In a small bay big waves will never build up. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters) will usually be no more than one–tenth of the wind’s speed (in kilometers). In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters. Of course, some waves may combine to form giant waves that are much higher. In 1933 the United States Navy(海军) reported the largest measured wave in history. It rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty–four meters
1.One can guess the height of a wave by knowing _____________.
A.how fast the wind is blowing
B.how long the wind blows
C.how large the body of water is
D.how the wave is built up
2.The largest measured wave in history was in ___________.
A.the Indian Ocean
B.the Atlantic Ocean
C.the Pacific Ocean
D.the Mediterranean Sea
3.When the wind is blowing at 80 kilometres per hour, the height of most waves will be _______.
A.about one meter
B.about eight meters
C.about eighty meters
D.about ten meters
4.Air rises when __________.
A.the wind is blowing
B.the body of water is large
C.this is a powerful earth
D.the sun heats the earth
5.The best title for this selection is ____________.
A.What causes Waves?
B.The Largest Waves in history
C.Beautiful Waves
D.Waves in Pacific Ocean
VI. 短文改错: 10%
This is a quiet little village thirty 1.__________
years ago. Now, every Sundays hundreds of 2.__________
cars and coaches pass across the High Street 3.__________
at a very danger speed, I think. 4.__________
They make the village almost so noisy as 5.__________
the streets of a large town. When I was 6.__________
a boy, I was used to enjoy riding on the 7.__________
back of the big horses. Today there are 8.__________
very few horses work on the farms. They 9.__________
drive tractors, no horses. 10.__________
VII. 书面表达: 15%
魏明的美国朋友杰克开始学习中国文学(Chinese literature)。他来信询问鲁迅其人。请你作为魏明回信介绍鲁迅。
2)他的小说被议程多种语言,并被拍成电影,如《阿Q正传》(The True Story of Ah Q)、《祝福》(The New Year’s Sacrifice),这两部电影都深刻地揭露了旧社会(expose sharply),毛主席(Chairman Mao)对鲁迅有过高度的评价。他的一些作品还被选入了大、中学的课本。
I.1. western 2.admired 3.instructions 4.compared 5.pretending
6.medical 7.Generally 8.lately 9.envelope 10.express
1.have 2.to work 3.to dress 4.to decide, to do 5.To rest 6.to pick 7.to worry
8.to be reading, 不定式后面有时间状语,因此不定式的进行时。 9.not write
10.be, notice sb. do sth 11.to leave, 不定式作主语的补足语
12.to write, 不定式作定语 13.to get. 不定式作表语. 14.to fool
15.to study 不定式作真正主语. 16.to do 17.to say
18.to be posted, want sth. to be done 因为want后面的宾语和后面的不定式是动宾关
系。一定要用不定式的被动式。19.to be given, give sb. sth.是一个有用的词组。如果把
sb.提前,就要用不定式的被动式。 20.to be helped,
III. 1.According to the weather report, it is going to snow tomorrow.
2. On seeing her son coming back, she couldn’t help taking him in her arms.
3. Use your head, and then you will find a way.
4. He played the role of Hamlet in the play.
5. The slaves’ fate was at the mercy of their masters.
VI. is → was Sundays →Sunday across →through danger → dangerous
so → as √ was back
→ backs work → working
no → not
VII. One possible version
Dear Jack:
I was very glad to receive your letter on the tenth of February. You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works since you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about him.
Lu Xun was a well-known Chinese writer. He was not only a writer, a thinker and a translator but also a founder of modern Chinese literature. His novels have been translated into many languages and some novels have been made into films, such as The True Story of Ah Q and The New Year’s Sacrifice which exposed sharply the old society. The late Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his novels have been selected into high school and college as textbooks. Since you are learning Chinese literature, I think reading Lu Xun’s novels will benefit you a lot.